
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Bloomingdale Farmers Market: Creamy coleslaw, pasta salad, juicy burgers and strawbs

From: "Markets & More"
Date: May 25, 2018 at 6:41:54 PM EDT
Creamy Coleslaw, Pasta Salad, Juicy Burgers, Strawbs

Hi BFM Fans,

So, what are you cooking for the Memorial Day weekend?  (After 5 days of flooded basement, I am crossing my fingers that we don't have much rain.)  The market is ready for your holiday weekend picnics and dinners and lunches. 
  • Want a classic creamy coleslaw?:  One change: make this one with grated KOHLRABI (yeah, that knobby, weird looking creature makes better slaw than cabbage).  (I also like just salting the slaw, waiting half an hour until it waters and then dressing it with a vinaigrette).
  • Tahini is the new secret ingredient for this potato salad with lemon tahini and dill.  
  • Bacontarians: how about skewers of grilled potatoes, onions and bacon.  Spring onions would be good on that.
  • Create your own version of Antipasti Pasta Salad with CUCINA AL VOLO's fusilli and NUMBER ONE SON's ferments.  With meats  and cheeses or not.  
  • Emma's grandfather's juicy, juicy burgers would be great with Truck Patch's ground pork
  • The trick to the best fried chicken (and if you are a carnivore, can you resist fried chicken?)
  •  Broccoli is just coming in so you can build a Spicy, garlicky Broccoli sub -- again check out that Number 1 Sons stand.  Lots of spicy there.
  • Strawberries!  needing a bit more British after the wedding and you want to CONSTRUCT a cool strawberry trifle?    Or serve them with KESWICK's Crottin cheese.
  • Grill some asparagus and  spring onions they play well together on a plate or in a sandwich.   
  • Don't forget hardboiled eggs for Kenji's egg salad or light and spicy deviled eggs. 

MUSIC: Yep, our music at the market continues this weekend.
We have lots of different varieties of strawberries at
GARNER and MOUNTAIN VIEW.   TRUCK PATCH and REID will follow. Really superb lettuces.  I always forget how sweet lettuce when it has been growing in cooler, rainier weather. Lots of asparagus.  All the breads you need -- I like cutting up baguettes for sausages and vegetable subs but there will be loaves and sandwich breads, too.

WHISKED has 6 or 7  pies including the addictive strawberry-rhubarb and her classic as well as the Vegan cookies (Chocolate blackout and Lemon are two of them) and I am still loving their asparagus cheese quiche.
MOUNTAIN VIEW: Sugar snap peas, shelling peas, nice beets, carrots, spinach and salad mix, little gem lettuces, kales, swiss chard, pea shoots . (I have been using leaves of their head lettuces as wraps. Delicious.)

KESWICK CREAMERY:   Sarah milks the goats and spends her evenings making goat cheese and helping Melanie with the Jersey cow cheese.  I think the COLBY is at a perfect place. Taste it at the stand. Tell them what you are cooking and Sara and Mark will recommend the right cheese to go with. Kara wrote up the melty Crottin last August for the Washington Post:
" 50-50 ratio of goat’s and Jersey cow’s milk. The cheese is aged for just a week, until it becomes smooth and spreadable — just right for slathering on crackers or bread. We like it with strawberry jam or an acidic white wine. A perk: The longer you keep the crottin refrigerated, the more pungent and runny it becomes; it’s best consumed within two weeks of purchase. If you prefer less funk, try the Frosty Morning variety, which is made with the same milks but is aged with an ash rind, yielding a slightly sweeter and more mellow cheese..

's Pesto is the real Italian version, ie very concentrated --try it on potato salad or pasta salad.  The kale fusilli is that beautiful green from fresh kale -not an artificial color- and it makes the best pasta salad. And of course you are having pasta salad this weekend, right?

For carnivores grillers:
TRUCK PATCH has the pastured pork in grilling cuts.  Back this week: arugula, stir fry greens. Asparagus, beets, and lots of salad greens.
GARDENERS: This is a traditional weekend to plant, especially now that the ground has recovered from the floods.
REID's popup nursery 
has a great selection with multiple varieties of each herb. (MOUNTAIN VIEW AND GARNER also have plant starts) 

And do not forget NUMBER ONE SON's is the place for funky ferments for your holiday cookout and parties. Their Spring Ramp Kraut is perfect and it won't be with us much longer. I love the radish kimchi with just about everything. Jeff can't go a week without the pickled beets.

PANORAMA has snazzy new baker racks for all their breads and pastries. Their French inspired breads are in very attractive bags now.

GARNER: Strawberries, asparagus, sweet potatoes, lettuce mix, kale, swiss chard, carrots, purple and white turnips, kohlrabi, broccoli rabe, collard greens and Bok Choi. 

Hope to see you Sunday. 

Robin, the Teds and Cate


PRODUCE PLUS Restarts at BFM NEXT Sunday, June 3.  Please spread the word.

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