
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

some tidbits from the Monday, 05-21-2018, Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting


A motion passed to support the special exception for nonconforming structure requirement for a rear deck for 58 V Street NW.
A motion passed to support the DCity Smokehouse block party on Saturday, 07-14-2018.
A motion passed to support the historic landmark nomination for 150 S Street NW -- St. Paul’s Methodist Church South.
A motion passed to approve the request for a one-year PUD extension for the Joe Mamo development project.
A motion passed to encourage a 2nd level of parking at the Joe Mamo development project.
A motion passed to support the zoning relief for a 5’ side yard requirement for 79-81 U Street NW.

And DDOT was unable to commit to implementing any traffic calming measures for 1st Street NW, except for speed cameras. 

No one was happy with the DDOT presentation, let's just say. 

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