
Friday, June 08, 2018

from the DC Office of Planning to ANC5E commissioners: Notice of proposed Bloomingdale Historic District hearing July 26, 2018

From: Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09) <5e09"">
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:59 PM
To: Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09) <5e09"">
Subject: Fw: Notice of Proposed Bloomingdale Historic District Hearing July 26,2018

Community Awareness:  

Please review and share the preliminary report on the nomination from the Office of Planning and the Resolution from ANC5E's vote on Bloomingdale's Historic District Designation nomination.  More info will be forwarded to the home owners within Bloomingdale prior to the upcoming hearing.  The hearing is schedule for July 26, 2018 @ 9:30 AM.  

Please review the email  below from the Office of Planning for detailed info.  Whether or not you are for or against the proposal, I ask that you voice your opinion on this important community issue.  

If you cannot attend the hearing, you may provide comments via email or letter addressed to the Office of Planning.  More info will be forwarded to the home owners within Bloomingdale prior to the upcoming hearing.

 Respectfully Submitted By,
 C. Dianne Barnes, Commissioner
 Cell: 202-409-7155

From: Jackson, Julianna (OP)
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:37 PM
To: Williams, Patricia (SMD 5E02); Holliday, Bertha G. (SMD 5E07); Garnett, Eddie (SMD 5E01); Powell, Hannah (SMD 5E03); Pinkney, Sylvia (SMD 5E04); Thomas, Bradley Ashton (SMD 5E05); McClelland, Katherine (SMD 5E06); Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09); Jones, Nancy Darlene (ANC 5E10); ANC 5E Office (ANC 5E); Sierra, Horacio (SMD 5E08); Sierra, Horacio (SMD 5E08)
Subject: Notice of Proposed Bloomingdale Historic District Hearing July 26,2018

Good Afternoon, 

The DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) has scheduled a hearing on the proposed Bloomingdale Historic District on July 26, 2018 at 9:30am.  The hearing will be held at 441 4th Street NW in Room 220-South.  On May 11th, the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) sent a letter to the ANC and registered properties in the proposed district to provide notice of the hearing and with information on the designation process and how residents can participate or register their opinions.

HPO since has prepared a preliminary report on the nomination and draft design guidelines that outlines principles that would be applied to properties in the event the district is designated.  A second letter to the ANC and property owners is being mailed this week with a reminder of the hearing date, links to the preliminary report and guidelines, and including additional information on the designation criteria applied by the HPRB in evaluating the nomination.  These documents are posted to the Office of Planning website at

Thank you,


Julianna Jackson • Staff Assistant
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024

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