
Saturday, June 23, 2018

only two slots remaining in Unified Scene Theater's half-day workshop "Improv for Consultants: Building Trust and Reliability" -- tomorrow, Sunday, 06-24-2018

Only TWO Slots left in our half-day workshop, Improv for Consultants: Building Trust and Reliability, Tomorrow (Sunday, June 24th, 1-5 p.m.) at The Unified Scene Theater

What do customers, vendors, colleagues, employers, and even friends & loved ones seek out in anyone they partner with? Someone they can trust, count on, and whose word is his or her bond. That's what people really mean when they say that they "connect" with someone. But these qualities often seem intangible and difficult to communicate. And yet: improvisational actors rely heavily on these same qualities for crafting successful in-the-moment improv comedy scenes, in situations where all the actors involved (a) may not know each other very well, and (b) have no idea what's going to confront them next in their scene. 

It's also something that can be learned. This workshop will help participants understand how the formative principles of improv comedy can help them build better working professional relationships with their vendors and stakeholders. Ideal for professionals, consultants of all types (independent and otherwise), and freelancers. No improv experience necessary! 

Questions? Reach out to us at

Shawn Westfall
Artistic Director
The Unified Scene Theater

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