
Sunday, June 17, 2018

see The Unified Scene Theater's latest round of classes - 06-24-2018 through 08-12-2018

From: Shawn Westfall
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2018 9:17 PM

Here’s the latest round of classes at The Unified Scene Theater. I want to keep the community apprised of the fun things we have going at our theater, as well as new types of classes; for instance, we’re offering two classes that deal with the more professional applications of improv, as well as Fiction Writing class — something we’ve never tried before and hope to offer more of going forward. 



The Unified Scene Theater (80 T Street NW, Bloomingdale) is offering a slew of classes and workshop this summer, to include workshops on how improv can make you a better colleague and leader at work, Storytelling class, and even a Fiction Writing class (our first!). Plus, our monthly (and FREE) improv workshop returns in July. Check ‘em out below. Any questions? Email us at!

  • Improv for Consultants - Building Trust and Reliability
    • A one-day workshop, June 24th, 1-5 p.m. This workshop, team-taught the co-founders of The Unified Scene Theater, Kathy Baird Westfall and Shawn Westfall, will help participants understand how the formative principles of improv comedy can help them build better working professional relationships with their vendors and stakeholders. Ideal for professionals, consultants of all types (independent and otherwise), and freelancers. No improv experience necessary! Register here
  • Intro to Long-Form Improv Comedy | Level 2
    • Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 27th through Wednesday, August 8th, with a graduation show to follow on Tuesday, August 14th (six weeks of instruction, with a graduation show in week seven, again, on Tuesday, August 14th; NO CLASS on Wednesday, July 4th): You’ll learn the kinds of useful moves you and your troupe members can make in a long-form show to not only add flavor and texture to your performance but which will also help you find the fun — and  follow it — to the delight of audiences. Register here! 
  • Character = Plot: An Improv Workshop | Elective
    • A one-day workshop, July 14th, 1-4 p.m. In this one-day, three-hour workshop taught by The Unified Scene Theater co-founder Shawn Westfall, you’ll learn how making strong, committed character choices in an improv scene benefits not only your scene, but you as an improvisational actor, as well as techniques for instantly becoming “someone wonderful right away.” Register here!
  • Storytelling for Performance | Level 2
    • Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 10th through Tuesday, August 7th (four weeks of instruction, with a graduation show the evening of week five, on August 7th). In this four-week class we will teach you the art of storytelling for performance, to include identifying the stories in our lives that make for great content, learning the narrative structure of a story, practicing with peers to help shape each other’s pieces week-over-week, gaining feedback, and performing on stage in a graduation showcase and having the opportunity to invite friends and family to see you perform. Register here! 
  • Improv For Creative Ideation: Creative Strategies for Marketers, Wannabe Ad Creatives, Small Business Owners, Bootstrappers, and Anyone Else Who Has To Be Creative Quickly
    • A half-day workshop, Saturday, July 21st, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Improvisational comedians are adept at taking the seemingly banal and not identifiably funny or creative ideas and — in real time — collaborate seamlessly around them to mine them for unforgettable comedic opportunities. In this workshop, team-taught by Kathy Baird Westfall and Shawn Westfall, co-founders of The Unified Scene Theater and seasoned veterans of global advertising agencies with a combined 50 + years of experience, will show how the strategies of improv — accepting, adding, facilitated brainstorming, corralling around ideas to improve them and flesh them out — can not only enhance your ability to be creative quickly, but also to understand that you’re actually a font of creative ideas. Register here
  • Jump-Start Your Short-Story/Novel Workshop (Our FIRST Fiction-Writing Class!)
    • A one-day workshop, July 22nd (1 p.m. to 6 p.m.). One of the first challenges in writing is finding the time, but meaningful strides can be made on a project in short, intensive intervals, and this workshop will give participants the opportunity to begin or continue a fictional project of their choosing through brainstorming, using writing exercises, and adding to their our work. Participants may wish to come in with an idea or two they’d like to work on in class, or they may decide to work extemporaneously, based on in-class writing. Instructor: Alicia Oltuski. Register here
    • Sunday, July 29th, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Ever thought “Hey, this improv crap looks fun. But I’m not sure I could do it. Wouldn’t mind giving it a test run before I do.” Well, now’s your chance: we’re offering a free (that’s right: FREE) 2-hour improv workshop at The Unified Scene Theater on Sunday, July 29th from 1-3 p.m. Come on by. Kick the tires. You might surprise yourself — and have fun doing it! Space is limited, so let us know you’re coming by emailing us at and say, “yeah, what the hell, I’m coming.”
  • Introduction To Improv WEEKEND INTENSIVE
    • Saturday, August 11th (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) and Sunday, August 12th (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.); graduation show on the evening of August 11th, ( 8 p.m.). Students will be able to knock out what would normally be a 7-week class in two days while learning the basics of improv through exercises and games that demonstrate the fundamental principles behind this fun and exciting art form: Agreement, Commitment, “Checking your ego at the door”, Collaborating, and Listening. What does it all add up to? A buttload of fun and awesomeness. Register here

Shawn Westfall
Artistic Director
The Unified Scene Theater

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