
Thursday, July 19, 2018

long Email thread: parking concerns along North Capitol Street during WMATA's 45-day shutdown and DC Water project

From: Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09) <5e09"">
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 9:49 PM
To: Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09) <5e09"">
Subject: Fw: Parking concerns for folks along North Capitol Street during WMATA 45 day shut down and DC Water project

Community Awareness:  Please review and share.

 Respectfully Submitted By,
 C. Dianne Barnes, Commissioner
 Cell: 202-409-7155

From: Goodall, Lee (DDOT)
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 6:31 PM
To: Stronghold Civic Association; Cislo, Kelley (Council); Hadiah Jordan; Lee, Clarence (SMD 5D07); Chisholm, Ann; Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09);; Drumming, Charles D. (DPW); McNeal, Jarvis (DPW); Twine, Kevin (DPW); Cheatham, Demetris (Council);;
Cc: Dawson. Wesley (DDOT)
Subject: RE: Parking concerns for folks along North Capitol Street during WMATA 45 day shut down and DC Water project

There are a couple of options. 

1.      Residents can request a DDOT Visitor Parking pass here:

a.      We will expedite requests for residents on North Capitol and Rhode Island Avenue 

2.      Our Parking and Ground Transportation Division will coordinate with MPD to allow for Visitor Parking permits for residents along those corridors

3.      This is a more involved point but on North Capitol where there are residential homes and no parking restrictions such that they are surrounded by streets that have requested and been approved for RPP, we include the orphan street in the RPP program.  As a result, residents who live on North Capitol Street are actually eligible to obtain from the DMV a vehicle registration with Zone 5 parking privileges.   When they register their car at the DMV, they’re asked if they needed RPP.  If they said yes and were otherwise eligible, their registration sticker indicated zone parking, e.g. 7/18/2020, Zone 5.  If they said no, their registration sticker reads something like 7/18/2020 No RPP.  Some residents choose not to obtain RPP because they have other locations to park or alternative off-street parking arrangements (such as a garage at home and/or work) and/or don’t wish to pay the additional $35 fee.   This is slightly different from a situation where DDOT has approved and installed signage via a resident request and through the petition process. 

a.      If there is a block on North Capitol where residents have not been able to receive RPP from the DMV, please let us know and we can rectify.

b.      Streets where residents reside that can receive RPP can be found on this website:

                                                              i.      Links to the interactive and static maps are found here respectively:

4.      If any resident is having difficulty.  Have them reach out to Wesley and he’s coordinating the issues.  I would anticipate we’ll have slightly more concerns on Rhode Island than on North Capitol since we’re only extending the parking restriction an additional one hour a day (30 minutes in the AM and 30 in PM).

Thank you,

Lee Goodall
Head of Community Engagement

Office of the Director
District Department of Transportation
55 M Street SE, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20003
o. 202.671.2288
m. 202.870.9563

From: Stronghold Civic Association []
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 5:12 PM
To: Goodall, Lee (DDOT)
Cc: Cislo, Kelley (Council); Dawson. Wesley (DDOT); Hadiah Jordan; Lee, Clarence (SMD 5D07); Chisholm, Ann; Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09);; Drumming, Charles D. (DPW); McNeal, Jarvis (DPW); Twine, Kevin (DPW); Cheatham, Demetris (Council);;
Subject: Re: Parking concerns for folks along North Capitol Street during WMATA 45 day shut down and DC Water project

Good Evening …

Suggestion ... If the residents of North Capitol could be issued a temporary card (or something official) to put in their windshield that would distinguish them from the other cars that would work for them.    This afternoon there were not any parking spaces on Franklin.  There are going to be more employees from the hospitals driving who would normally walk from the Brookland Metro.  This will allow the 2 hour limit to be fairly enforced. 

On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Goodall, Lee (DDOT) <> wrote:

I am discussing this item in a meeting with colleagues now. I will follow up before I leave today.

Thank you,

Lee Goodall
Head of Community Engagement
Office of the Director
District Department of Transportation
55 M Street SE, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20003
o. 202.671.2288
m. 202.870.9563

From: Cislo, Kelley (Council) [mailto:KCislo@DCCOUNCIL.US]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 1:49 PM
To: Dawson. Wesley (DDOT); Goodall, Lee (DDOT)
Cc: Hadiah Jordan; Lee, Clarence (SMD 5D07); Chisholm, Ann; Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09); Stronghold Civic Association;; Drumming, Charles D. (DPW); McNeal, Jarvis (DPW); Twine, Kevin (DPW); Cheatham, Demetris (Council);;
Subject: RE: Parking concerns for folks along North Capitol Street during WMATA 45 day shut down and DC Water project

Wesley & Lee – The problem we are trying to solve for is this: 

The residents on North Capitol Street do not have RPP on their cars but the side streets where they are supposed to move their cars to during this 45 day extended rush hour are RPP streets with 2 hour limit for those without RPP. Therein lies the problem. My recommendation is that these residents from North Capitol Street would get a Temporary RPP pass for their vehicles for that 45 day period which would exempt them from the 2 hour limit and which would allow them to safely park on adjacent streets (and of course we would ask as a courtesy to their neighbors that they move their cars back to North Capitol outside the rush hour to the extent possible). 

The alternative would be to just tell them to park on those streets and get agreement with DPW/Parking Enforcement to not enforce but the downside to this approach is the residents with a true RPP want that parking enforcement to catch other drivers who don’t live on those streets who encroach on these precious little parking spaces. 

Please advise if this type of solution has ever been done before and advise who takes the lead from the city (DDOT, DMV, DPW/Parking?) to make sure these residents get the temporary RPP pass before this 45 day period of extended rush hour begins.



Kelley Cislo
Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, Ward 5
Chair Pro Tempore
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 506
Washington, DC 20004
Direct: 202 724-8172
CELL: 202-412-0188
Visit us on the web at - !/KenyanRMcDuffie
Interested in keeping up with Ward 5? Please sign up for Councilmember McDuffie’s Newsletter. 

From: Dawson. Wesley (DDOT) <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 10:05 AM
To: Cislo, Kelley (Council) <
Cc: Hadiah Jordan <>; Lee, Clarence (SMD 5D07) <>; Chisholm, Ann <>; Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09) <>; Stronghold Civic Association <>; Treadway, Nolan (Council) <ntreadway@DCCOUNCIL.US>; Drumming, Charles D. (DPW) <>; McNeal, Jarvis (DPW) <>; Twine, Kevin (DPW) <>; Cheatham, Demetris (Council) <dcheatham@DCCOUNCIL.US>; McDuffie, Kenyan (Council) <kmcduffie@DCCOUNCIL.US>;
Subject: Re: Parking concerns for folks along North Capitol Street during WMATA 45 day shut down and DC Water project

Good evening Kelley, 

Thank you for raising your concern regarding parking on North Capitol St. Parking will not be restricted all day along North Capital St. The only change to parking is during the AM and PM rush. 

Residents will be allowed to park on North Capitol St outside of the restricted times. The existing rush hour parking restriction on North Capitol St from Michigan Ave to Massachusetts Ave will be temporarily extended by 30 minutes. The morning rush restriction will be from 7:00AM to 10:00AM and the evening rush restriction will be from 4:00PM to 7:00PM


Wesley Dawson
Community Engagement Specialist

Office of the Director
District Department of Transportation
55 M Street SE, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20003
o. 202-741-0962
m. 202-997-0350


On Jul 17, 2018, at 2:04 PM, Cislo, Kelley (Council) <
KCislo@DCCOUNCIL.US> wrote:

Mark – Thank you for reaching out.  We will work with the folks copied here to figure out a solution.

Wes/Lee (DDOT), Hadiah (DC Water), Ann (WMATA), and Kevin/Charles/Jarvis (DPW/Parking) – Please see below regarding the need for alternative parking arrangements during the 45 day period of the WMATA shut down for Brookland and RIA/Brentwood stations which at the same time is a DC Water project for North East Boundary Tunnel project affecting several streets in Ward 5.  Laura Jackson put out an email regarding the recent monthly Stronghold Civic Association meeting where they reported very positive reports from the community about the status of the DC Water project and where the Street Cleaning (and ticket writing) has stopped for Franklin Street which has helped tremendously with the parking problem.    We need a similar solution for folks on other streets whose parking will be impacted by one or both projects such as Mark’s on North Capitol Street. Granted, the additional vehicles from North Capitol will likely squeeze the parking on the side streets so we need to consider what all the viable solutions are here. And also the bigger picture of other streets impacted.



Kelley Cislo
Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, Ward 5
Chair Pro Tempore
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 506
Washington, DC 20004
Direct: 202 724-8172
CELL: 202-412-0188
Visit us on the web at - !/KenyanRMcDuffie
Interested in keeping up with Ward 5? Please sign up for Councilmember McDuffie’s Newsletter.


Laura A. Jackson
Stronghold Civic Association

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