
Saturday, August 04, 2018

future land use map for Bloomingdale (from the 2013 DC Comprehensive Plan)

Looking at the DC future land use map for Bloomingdale - from the "District Elements of the DC Comprehensive Plan, January 2013" (and not from the DC Comprehensive Plan currently under review, which has not been finalized.) 

The residential parts of Bloomingdale have a land use category of "moderate density residential."

The commercial intersection of 1st and Rhode Island Avenue NW is mapped as "low density commercial."

The commercial-zoned strip along Florida Avenue NW and along North Capitol Street from Florida up to Randolph Place have a land use category of mixed use of "moderate density residential" and "low density commercial."

The McMillan site is mapped as a mixed use of "parks, recreation and open space" and "moderate density commercial."  

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