
Thursday, August 02, 2018

status of 150 S Street NW (church) demolition

As the ANC Commissioner for the area in which 150 S St. NW is located, I am concerned about the current status of that property and neighbors’ related concerns.  Consequently, I just finished talking with the DCRA Deputy Director regarding this matter.  Here is the background and current status of 150 S St. NW per DCRA.         

In regard to demolition  and raze permits, DCRA is most concerned about ensuring the safety of the general public and the structural integrity of nearby properties.  Consequently, the raze permit application process is rather complicated.          

In December 2017, the Developer of 150 S St. NW was issued a raze permit, which was immediately revoked due DCRA’s discovery of numerous fallacious and inaccurate information on the demolition application.  A Stop Work order was issued, which to date has not been responded to or appealed by the Developer.  Consequently, that stop work order is still in effect.  Furthermore, due to the absence of any response to or appeal of that stop work order, the Developer is required to file a new application for permit to raze

Last week, without a raze permit, the Developer initiated demolition, and another Stop Work order was issued.  DCRA officials came to the site and observed that the demolition effort was TOTALLY UNSAFE.  

For example:

·        inadequate equipment with insufficient reach was being used.  Consequently, instead of pulling the building  down from the top and towards the structure so that debris would fall away from sidewalk, street and neighboring buildings, the building was demolished from the bottom upward, resulting in much less control of where debris fell;

·        Without a raze  permit, the Developer had failed to shut-off the sidewalk and adjacent street parking, and provide a safe work environment;

·        No overhead protection was provided to protect pedestrians, etc.

In response to the newest Stop Work order, Developer has taken the following steps:

·        In collaboration  with DCRA, initiated the development of  a new application for demolition (raze permit);

·        Firing of original demolition contractor and hiring of a new larger, more experienced demolition contractor with appropriate equipment for a building of the size of 150 S St., NW.  – new contractor has installed necessary supports to remaining walls that stabilize remaining partially demolished building, and DCRA has certified these supports eradicate possibility of building fall-down;

·        Firing of permit expeditor and hiring of a new more experienced expeditor – new expeditor has initiated task of securing the sign-offs (certification of utility shut-off and safety, certification of compliance with agency regs, etc.) of the approximated 13 agencies (e.g., Washington Gas, Pepco, DCRA, Rodent Control, etc.) required for issuance of a raze permit – this task expected to be completed in 2 or 3 weeks.   
If all goes well, the raze permit can be issued in 2 to 3 weeks. 
I noted neighbors’ concerns about rats to the Deputy Director, and he indicated  this would be addressed in part by the Rodent Control sign-off on the raze application.   In addition, neighbors can call DCRA and request that the Developer be required to  set rat traps around the project site.        

Hope you find this information to be helpful.
Bertha Holliday – Commissioner, ANC 5E07


  1. This developer has a history of unsafe and illegal practices at other DC properties as well. We know of two - 1210 and 1211 Holly Sts. NW
