
Monday, August 13, 2018

The Unified Scene Theater September-October 2018 classes now registering!

The Unified Scene Theater September-October Classes Now Registering! 

Bloomingdale’s own The Unified Scene Theater (80 T Street NW) is currently registering for our latest round of Sept-Oct classes, to include a one-day fiction-writing workshop, a storytelling class, an Introduction To Improv class, and our popular Improv For Business Leaders class. Check 'em out! 

Jump-Start Your Short-Story/Novel — A One-Day Writing Workshop: September 16th (1 p.m. to 6 p.m.)

Our Storytelling For Performance Class: Mondays, 7– 9pm, Monday, September 17th through Monday, October 22nd (four weeks of instruction, with a graduation show the evening of week five, on October 22nd; NO CLASS on October 8th)

Our September Weekly Introduction To Improv Class: Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m., September 18th through October 30th; six classes on Tuesdays evenings, with a graduation show in week seven on the evening of October 30th  

Our Improvisation For Business Leaders Class: Wednesdays, 7-9 pm, September 19th through Wednesday, October 24th (a five week class that meets weekly on Wednesdays, with a graduation show in week six, on October 24th)

In our one-day Jump Start Your Short-Story/Novel class, you'll learn to get unstuck in that fiction piece you've been working on. Come dust it off, reenergize it and learn new writing and motivational strategies from local DC writing guru Alicia Otulski. In the Storytelling For Performance class, we will teach you the art of storytelling for performance, including: identifying the stories in our lives that make for great content; the narrative structure of a story; shaping that story for an audience; and then performing on stage in a graduation showcase and having the opportunity to invite friends and family to see you perform. In the Introduction To Improv class above, we’ll focus on and take a deeper dive into some of the things that make improv both fun and rewarding: agreement, commitment, energy, and context through exercises and games that demonstrate the fundamental principles behind this fun and exciting art form. In the Improv For Business Leaders class, we’ll take an even deeper dive into some of the things you were exposed to in your most recent class, and learn to apply the principles of improvisation to your careers by enhancing and improving the skills that make you a better communicator, collaborator, and leader. 

Ready to register? Cool. Click on the links below! 

See you on The ’Scene! 
Shawn and Kathy 

Shawn Westfall
Artistic Director
The Unified Scene Theater

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