
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

St. Martin's Catholic Church Black & Women's History Month outing details: TURN ME LOOSE Dick Gregory Story -- Friday, 09-21-2018

See this message from St. Martin's Catholic Church:

From: Angele
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 10:16 PM
Subject: Fwd: B&W Outing Details: TURN ME LOOSE--Friday 9/21@8PM

My apologies...

Attached is a copy of the flyer and the B&W Generic Payment form.

Please submit B&W Payment Form with check or money order payment to:
St. Martin's Church DC



Angele White

-----Original Message-----
From: Angele
Sent: Mon, Sep 17, 2018 9:51 pm
Subject: B&W Outing Details: TURN ME LOOSE--Friday 9/21@8PM
Good Evening: 

Thank you for considering to join St. Martin's Black and Women's (B&W) History Ministry to attend the play:

Turn Me Loose: Dick Gregory Story
Friday, September 21, 2018
8:00 PM
Arena Stage Theater
1101 6th Street, SW
Washington, DC  20024

If already purchased (includes payment with B&W Generic Payment form to Fr. Kelley), you may pick up your ticket in the Theater at the Arena Stage Will Call Window

After 3:00 PM until the start of the show at 8:00 PM
Friday, September 21, 2018
Arena Stage Box Office/Will Call Window

Ask for brown envelope with your first name, last name, and the code: B&W #33

Inside the brown envelope, you should have:

* $50.00 Ticket/s purchased for the play
* FREE Drink Ticket included for each play ticket purchased (~ $10.00 value) 
* Upcoming B&W Activities

Attached is a copy of possible transportation and parking options available near Arena Stage Theater.  If you are unable to open the attachment, please let me know so that I may try to send to you via another mode.


We have ~10 Tickets Remaining...Please Encourage Others to Purchase Tickets to this Event for Continued B&W Success and Future Activities!!!

Please tell those who are interested in purchasing tickets to leave a message with:

Fr. Michael Kelley => 202-232-1144 (St. Martin's Church Office Phone)
Contact me (Angele White) via email ( or text message (202 then 468-1959)

Contact regarding purchase of tickets or any other questions/issues/details should be made to St. Martin's Church NO LATER THAN:

3:00 PM Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thanks for your continued support of St. Martin's Church and the B&W History Ministry!

And Remember...

B&W is for ANYONE Interested in:

 Learning More, Sharing Positive Experiences, Fostering Community, and Encouraging Empowerment! 

Looking forward to seeing you at Arena Stage Friday night!!!


Sincerely,Angele White
St. Martin of Tours Church-DC
B&W History Ministry (email)
202-232-1144 (church office phone)
202-468-1959 (temp cell for texts only)

PS.  Father Kelley is turning 70 years young!  Don't forget to join St. Martin's Church in celebrating his birthday!  The event will take place Sunday, October 21, 2018 from 2PM - 5 PM in St. Martin's Church Pioneer Room (enter through 7 T Street, NW).  Tickets for this Jazz Luncheon cost $20.00.  For more information regarding tickets you may call St. Martin's Church Office at 202-232-1144 or send an email  message to Angele White at (  Thanks again for your continued support!!!  :) 

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