
Saturday, October 20, 2018

ANC5E votes to support the zoning relief requested for 17 Rhode Island Avenue NW -- for exceeding lot occupancy

Sylvia Pinkney, ANC5E04 Commissioner, posted the voting results from the Tuesday, 10/16/2018, ANC5E meeting.

Below is an item regarding Bloomingdale - zoning relief for a two-level rear deck that would result in exceeding lot occupancy.

8. The Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) #19859

A. Veitch Special Exception – Lot Occupancy 17 R.I. Av. NW. This application was unanimously approved at Monday night’s Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting.  Commissioner Holliday recommended that ANC 5E support the application.

The Commission voted to support the application

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