
Monday, October 29, 2018

community open forum to discuss the decking over of the North Capitol Street project -- Saturday, 11-03-2018

See this 10-28-2018 message:

North Capitol Decking Over Project | Community Forum | Saturday November 3rd, 2 - 4pm | St. Martin's Catholic Church

The BCA's Bloomingdale Village Square Committee will be hosting a Community Open Forum for Bloomingdale residents and adjacent neighbors, to discuss the proposed plans, share ideas and get community feedback on the Decking Over Of North Capitol Project Saturday November 3rd from 2 - 4pm at St. Martin's Catholic Church - in the Pioneer Room - 7 T Street NW 20001. 

Please join us to learn more and discuss this exciting initiative to deck over North Capitol Street from V Street to Seaton Place with a pedestrian and bike friendly green way bridging once again the neighborhoods of Bloomingdale and Eckington.  This event is open to all residents of Bloomingdale, Eckington, Stronghold, Truxton Circle and NOMA.  ZGF's architect Christopher Somma will be our featured guest to discuss the scope of work and the firm's generous pro bono contribution.  The meeting will be moderated by Thaddeus Thaler (BCA's Bloomingdale Village Square Government And Community Outreach Director), BVS' Co-Chairs - Dr. Bertha Holliday and Zach Sherif, with an introduction by BVS' Paul Cerruti.


  1. I am excited about this project. How wonderful it would be to have a park with a direct unobstructed view of the Capital from this park. It could be a world class project, and a unique one!

  2. Build it and they will come! What an amazing opportunity to build the city's next great park! Let's keep up with Chicago, NYC, Atlanta, etc. with their highline park communities - build today!

  3. After suffering for several years now with the 3rd Street Tunnel commute to job in Virginia, I'm wary of what happens to our neighborhood if North Capital gets disrupted by a park project. The cost might also be prohibitive, and the whole thing could be hijacked by a developer who'd love to building housing over North Capital.

    1. We should start the "Save Capital View Park" group just in case.

  4. Greetings. So let me see if I understand: There's a plan to "deck over" roads to make more green space, all while planning to pave over an existing green space that is already a park (uh, McMillan). I'm all for parks, greenery, less traffic and congestion. Just seems as though everything is backwards. I'm all in on the decking over as long as it is ALL green space; no condos, no buildings, no businesses.

    1. Absolutely ZERO development! This is a 100% community lead initiative - meant to bring green space, improved quality of life to the surrounding neighborhoods and rebuild community. The ONLY structures planned will be flowering arbors, sculpture, water features and a small band shell! Come to tomorrow's meeting!

    2. The plans for the McMillan space include a park.

  5. I would also think that the viewsheds of the Capitol would be protected, so no buildings on the deck would be permitted. My guess.
