
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

see the set of architectural renderings from Square 134 Architects for 1634 North Capitol St NW -- shared at the Monday, 11-19-2018, Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting

At the Monday, 11-19-2018, Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting, James Buckley of Maedwell Companies and Emily Rottman of Square 134 Architects presented revised plans for 1634 North Capitol Street NW, located in between the Spark at 12 landmarked firehouse building and the Pub and the People building.

Ms. Rottman has kindly passed along a PDF of the architectural renderings for the site, which are provided below.  

Note that Ms. Rottman advises: "we are in the process of updating the perspectives to address many of the concerns that were brought up at last night’s meeting. "

So anticipate that some of the renderings that you see in the PDF below will get updated.


  1. I live down this alley. The development itself is promising, but I pity anyone who's planning to use one of those parking spaces driving anything larger than a can of cat food.

  2. The planning should cater to those who have been displaced of homes. Such as 1. the East Indies Board 2. Pro African-Muslim heritage board and if not such a thing as a panel today 3. Ethiopian and Eretrian Board communities that recently lost a church on 2nd and S street. If an apartment shops community was to be built I highly support it including a bedrock parking lot & Nuclear escape route evac portal and a mini CSA support and farmers market space. That's what i would most certainly support on North Capitol and Florida ave since it conjunctions in a highly traffic area that can reduce some of the impacts that we have already.

  3. What magical news, indeed. I was wholly unaware of the existence of the Bloomingdale ‘East Indies Board’. Please tell us more about it. (I hope it’s not a Ponzi scheme)

    Nor did I know of any displacement of the ‘Eretrian (sic) Board’ community having occurred here. I thought the Eritrean church simply sold its property — and at a pretty nice profit at that!? (Plus, the sweet and convenient thing now is that the Eritrean worshippers do not have to drive from their residences in the VA/MD suburbs into the District on Sundays and look for parking. I thought that was rather a lovely plus for them — and for the local parking-starved residents as a bonus.)

    Topping it off are, of course, the amazing prospects of magical things I’d never really heard of here in our little backwater village: who knew DCRA granted zoning exemptions for (1) uclear escape routes, (2) more farmers markets (in addition to the established Bloomingdale farmers market, just one block away, I presume? After all, “You can always use another farmers market!”, goes the old saying...), and (3) “bedrock parking” (which, I presume, is safer for the cars? Less vibration maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Do the Teslas go into bedrock sleep mode when they park in that mythical bedrock lot? I honestly don’t know...).

    In short, I’m amazed at both the apparent tragedies, various ethnic “Boards” I’ve missed, and the endless possibilities and opportunities of new-fangled things I didn’t know existed (or had any hope of zoning approval?). Thank you for the info and a good laugh!
