
Sunday, November 25, 2018

so .... do we see any environmental remediation activity at the Joe Mamo lot?

The zoning order for the one-year PUD extension for 1600 North Capitol Street NW is set to expire on 06-15-2019.

It has been five months since the Planned Unit Development (PUD) for 1600 North Capitol Street NW – better known as the Joe Mamo lot at North Capitol St NW and Florida Ave NW – was granted a one-year extension in order to perform environmental remediation on the site.

Have you seen any environmental remediation on the site?

I haven’t.

I must admit, however, that I am not sure what environmental remediation activity looks like. 

Now environmental remediation may only be a warm weather activity.  So perhaps we shall see some activity at the Joe Mamo lot in Spring 2019....?

The only permits issued by DCRA have been for soil-boring.  Are there are other types of permits needed for environmental remediation?

I don’t know. 

The developer only has seven months remaining to perform environmental remediation in preparation for construction, which – according to the zoning order – must commence on June 15, 2019.

The clock is ticking. 

I’m not holding my breath.

Will the Bloomingdale Civic Association and ANC5E vote to grant another one-year PUD extension, if asked by the developer?

Here is the zoning order, for reference:

Below is the key item from the BZA zoning order above:                       

1600 North Capitol Street NW


  1. "Will the Bloomingdale Civic Association and ANC5E vote to grant another one-year PUD extension, if asked by the developer?"
    Please Lord No.

    1. I will vote no on any further requests for extension from this applicant. Besides the fact that this applicant has not made good on promises to the community to fund the community amenities package -- more than 11 years now -- this applicant has stalled and made excuses for not bringing this property online for far too long. If you are a member of BCA, please be sure to show up and bring your neighbors when this matter appears again on the agenda, probably sometime in April or May. Pat Mitchell

  2. Are the ANCs and/or BCA acting on this? Maybe sending a follow-up letter? Ensuring that penalties are in place when Joe Mamo inevitably fails to fulfill his obligations?
