
Sunday, November 18, 2018

today is the last Bloomingdale Farmers Market of 2018 - and it's a great one

From: "Markets & More"
Date: November 18, 2018 at 12:12:22 AM EST
Subject: Last BFM of 2018 and it's a great one.

HI Everyone,

This is a brief email.  It is the last market of 2018, the end of our 12th season,  and I hope you will bundle up and be there to greet your favorite producers and get everything you need for the best, local Thanksgiving ever.  The farmers were out in the snow and rain and cold to harvest all their fields so the tables will be groaning.  (It snowed a foot in PA and 7 inches on Mountain View's Farm).

Truck Patch may have one or two extra turkeys for people who forgot to reserve. Whisked has all the Thanksgiving pies. Reid has the ciders and apples.  Ciders freeze for months and make great syrup spiced and cooked down. Winter squash and pumpkins and sweet potatoes and cabbages do well for months in a cool dry place.  Keswick ricotta freezes perfectly -- I defrosted one last night and it kept all its sweetness.  Sara can tell you which cheeses to pair with the ciders and your beers and wines.

Number 1 Sons Pickles and krauts and kimchi and Chili Bears go on forever in the fridge. (Kraut is a must on the Baltimore Thanksgiving menu).  I have often served Cucina Al Volo's  Butternut squash ravioli or lasagne instead of squash soup!  And their pastas freeze very well.  Panorama breads also freeze well wrapped in aluminum foil in a freezer bag.

I have seen beautiful cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, green beans, lettuces and cooking greens at Garner, Mountain View and Truck Patch.

Ted Sr will be making his terrific kimcheese sandwiches and handing out free samples.  Jonathan Bardzik, our favorite chef at market, will be cooking up all new recipes, including some that use KEEPWELL Vinegars.  Yes, Isaiah will be there with his wonderful vinegars.   Those beautiful bottles make great gifts too -- unique (host)ess gifts and great stocking stuffers.  I brought 6 to France this summer.  (Ask Isaiah for his Bitter Lemon Cocktail recipe with gin and Capitoline vermouth.)

Bike House will do their last tune ups on your bikes. 

Thank you for being part of the market.  Have a wonderful feast and keep in touch.  (Please bring back your tokens and use them up)

Robin and the Teds and all the producers of the Bloomingdale Farmers Market 

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