
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Daniel Wolkoff: NoMa to get thousands of new residential units and a puny Central Park >> but more importantly, a DC Court of Appeals document related to McMillan: a group of neighbors vs. DC Zoning Commission

See this 12-12-2018 message:

Noma to get thousands of new residential units and a puny "Central Park" says Urban Turf

How does this connect to the "decking" of North Capitol? The community has started to plan a tiny decking between RI Ave and T St. , but a truly extensive "decking" public green space, should go from Noma to new development at AFRH, and connect to Noma metro with a monorail that serves all of North Capitol, which has no mass transit. 
Huge development is coming, including at Armed Forces Retirement Home, which will add more than 30,000 automobile trips per day to congested N. Capitol. McMillan development if not defeated, "the Monstrosity on Michigan Avenue", will also increase traffic congestion by 30,000 auto trips per day. Can North Capitol handle 90,000 cars a day? Your Mayor and City Council don't care!!

Proper urban planning brings in mass transit ahead of massive development, please tell that to DC Office of "miserable " Planning. 

Our city, we are the "City", not the mediocre govt. wrongly so named, our "City" must wrestle control of our future from the corruption rampant in the Wilson building. Upon sentencing for accepting bribes from the FBI, Council-member Michael Brown said "I couldn't resist the culture of corruption on the City Council". We need to fight that!
Consecutive DC administrations collude with well connected developers VMP ( to steal our 25 acre public historic McMillan Park from the people of DC and the Nation. The biggest land theft since Manhattan, but we can defeat corruption, help save McMillan Park. You can be a founder, join The McMillan Park Conservancy, we need a real Central Park not a little plaza surrounded by buildings.

Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
McMillan Park Conservancy
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391


  1. In one set of proposals to Zoning in one meeting--2000 Noma apts. Where do these people get recreation, the puny plaza/palazzios, that are now being called parks Lets jog around Farragut!

    Urban Turf deleted the comments above within minutes, maybe i should try a rant. I have self censored as well as I can, so let us see if they delete this comment

    "How does this connect to the "decking" of North Capitol? The community has started to plan for limited decking between RI Ave and T St. how could this be expanded? A large extended "decking" public green space, could go from Noma to new development at AFRH, and connect to Noma metro with a monorail that serves all of North Capitol, which has only a bus route for mass transit.

    Buildings with up to 400 unit's need recreational space, biking, jogging, kids, etc.
    The decking could reach development straight north at Armed Forces Retirement home, would a monorail supplement the North South to downtown route?, maybe Brookland metro? Who works at office of Planning?"

  2. VMP plan is illegal. McMillan Park & Sand Filtration Plant deed-covenants. Quitclaim Deed, United States General Services Administration, GSA Region 4, Atlanta Ga. Office of Regional Counsel, dated September 25, 1987, p.1. (“The following are covenants running with the land at law as well as in equity, and are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the District of Columbia, and all present are future persons or entities owning or having an interest in said portion of the McMillan reservoir. VMP plan is illegal.
