
Friday, January 25, 2019

Bisnow post on the just-released North Capitol Street needs assessment from NoMaBID, DDOT

Click on the link to read the entire Bisnow post.

Here is the link to the actual needs assessment report.

A wide thoroughfare dividing two of the city's quadrants with monumental views of the U.S. Capitol, North Capitol Street has the potential to be one of D.C.'s premier corridors. 

But D.C.'s development wave has largely passed over North Capitol, leaving many of its blocks vacant and underdeveloped. Some parts of the corridor have high concentrations of crime, and the fast-moving traffic makes it dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the street.  

With several parcels slated for development and neighborhood groups working with the city to improve public spaces, the North Capitol Street corridor could be on the verge of a major renaissance."

The condition of North Capitol there is an insult to the ideas of equity and social inclusion," NoMa BID President Robin-Eve Jasper said. "It looks terrible and nobody has invested in it." 

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