
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Bloomingdale resident who shot a Pepco utility worker in the back of the head on 12/03/2009 on the 1900 block of 1st Street NW (and served time & was out on probation) committed a subsequent crime (with another man) -- an armed robbery not in Bloomingdale on 10/24/2017; he was arrested and sentenced on 01/09/2019 to forty years

Who recalls the Pepco utility worker who was shot in the back of the head near 1st and Rhode Island Avenue NW back on 12-03-2009?

Here is an update on the man who did this shooting.

The info below is presented in chronological order for you.

1)  See this Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog post from 05/22/2010 regarding the sentencing of a man who shot a Pepco utility work in the back of the head at/near 1st and Rhode Island Avenue NW in Bloomingdale on 12/03/2009.  This man who did the shooting was Marlo Johnson, who lived on U Street NW.  

2)  Now see this 01/11/2019 Washington Post article with an update on Marlo Johnson.  He and another man committed an armed robbery (not in Bloomingdale) on 10/24/2017.  He was arrested and subsequently plead guilty to 15 counts.  He was sentenced on 01/09/2019 to “decades in prison.”

I have included the sentences from this WaPo article that reference the shooting in Bloomingdale by Marlo Johnson.

Storekeepers were stalked, ambushed by armed robbers who followed them home

January 11
Johnson, now 26, was 17 in 2009 when he shot a Pepco utility worker in the back of the head. The worker survived, and Johnson was charged as an adult and sentenced to eight years.


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