
Wednesday, January 02, 2019

you are invited to take Devon Carew's "What's next for Bloomingdale?" survey

I have been asked to post this Survey Monkey survey by Devon Carew.

It was posted earlier today at NextDoor.

What's next for Bloomingdale?
What do you see for the future of Bloomingdale? Please help us decide what will best serve our community by answering a few quick questions!

1 comment:

  1. Save McMillan Park, "greensward" and monorail, and reduce n. Capitol traffic with long term urban planning!

    We have a number of groups in the community trying for decades to save the 25 acre publicly owned McMillan Park on N. Capitol. The DC govt is a development partner and pushes the obvious conflict of interest ahead against all environmental and appropriate urban planning, and common sense, "the monstrosity on Michigan Avenue".
    At McMillan we have an existing wonderful outdoor 25 acre coherent green space, with legal historic preservation protections. We are currently fighting for those protections in DC Appeals Court right now, as they are violating Federal law to force the massive development down our throats, 600 condos, apartment buildings, two massive medical office complexes, not needed. All new services like super markets can go across the street at the Washington Hospital Center master re-development plan, and help re-engineer their surface parking lots that cause the storm water flooding in Bloomingdale.

    A true "Emerald Necklace" was actually planned for parks and green swards by Sen. McMillan in 1905, and this proposed green sward up N. Capitol should help realize the foresight of The Senate Washington Parks Commission from over 100 years ago. Build a large Greenway "decking" over N. Capitol from NOMA metro to AFRH(Armed Forces Retirement Home 80 acre massive development, Save McMillan Park and serve all with a Monorail, clean efficient mass transit for all. help us at McMillan Park Conservancy 202-232-8391 or
