
Sunday, February 10, 2019

ANC5E07 special meeting on proposed neighbors/owners agreement on mediation of possible adverse impacts of 1724 North Capitol Street NW as a sit-down Jam Doung restaurant -- Saturday, 02-16-2019

Note that there are two PDFs that accompany this post, which are not provided here, since the Scribd tool that I use is back up some 36,000 documents.

From: Bertha Holliday
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 7:00 AM



ANC 5E07 Commissioner Bertha Holliday invites all neighbors living within 200 feet of North Capitol St. & Randolph Pl. NW to a second special meeting to discuss an AGREEMENT between Neighbors and Jam Doung owners.  The meeting will focus on identifying strategies for alleviating potential adverse impacts related to the establishment of a Jam Doung sit-down restaurant at 1724 North Capitol St. NW (i.e., next door to its current carry-out restaurant)  Such adverse  impacts may include  noise, traffic, parking, rodent control allowable hours of operation, trash and other such matters. Please Note:  The DC Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) approved the Jam Doung application for a variance in use, and additionally required that the Owners, the Neighbors, and ANC 5E develop a written signed Agreement for alleviating possible adverse impacts for BZA consideration and incorporation into its final decision. Hopefully, consensus about the provisions of such an Agreement will be reached at the below scheduled meeting between owners and neighbors. Provisions (attached) of the 1st Special ANC Meeting will serve as the basis for discussion with consideration given to addition, modification or deletion of each provision. Related Office of Planning guidance is attached,                                  

DATE:  Saturday, February 16, 2019

TIME:  4 pm – 6:30 pm

PLACE: St. Martins Catholic Church                           
                        North Capitol and T St. NW
            Pioneer Rm, (T St. basement entry)

(This notice  has two [2] attachments)-- 

Bertha G., Holliday, PhD & Associates, LLC
Independent Consultant (Diversity Assessment, Planning, Implementation & Evaluation)
49 T Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Co- Director
Bloomingdale Village Square Project
"Building Community Identity & Sense of Place"

Commissioner, ANC 5E07
Washington, DC
Fellow, American Psychological Association


  1. People need to know this announcement is inaccurate because the D.C. Board of Zoning Adjustment HAS NOT approved a variance for Jam Doung. In their last meeting, they didn't vote on the variance and asked that neighbors and Jam Doung owners try to reach an agreement, although an agreement isn't required if consensus can't be reached.

  2. Interested neighbors should attend this meeting, but can also participate in the continued BZA hearing which will take place on March 6. You may submit written comments about any proposed conditions that you think may help mitigate the impact of having a sit down restaurant in a residential only block, or you may appear in person at the limited scope BZA hearing and provide oral testimony about the conditions suggested by the different people.

    The proposed conditions created from this meeting are due by February 25. Individuals who wish to have their conditions considered may want to submit their comments by February 25, as well, but no later than the afternoon of March 5. Oral testimony need not be submitted in advance.

    The BZA will take a vote at the March 6 meeting, although they could decide they need additional time to consider the proposed conditions.
