
Friday, February 15, 2019

Howard University Community Connections newsletter (Friday, 02-15-2019)

From: Howard University Community Association
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 2:02 PM
Subject: Community Connections Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 2

A monthly newsletter brought to you by the Howard University Community Association, highlighting
 the University's contribution across the District of Columbia and beyond!

Howard University Unveils New Strategic Plan, 'Howard Forward'

Howard University unveiled its new strategic plan, Howard Forward, which will be the visionary blueprint for the institution for the next 5 years.

“We are embarking on a forward trajectory that positions Howard University as a model of excellence, in a contemporary context, across everything we do, from academics to operations to fulfilling our legacy and mission of truth and service,” said Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick. “This plan outlines our bold strategy to provide a quality educational experience while also doubling down on our commitment to produce distinguished global leaders.” 

The action-oriented plan, developed by a cross-disciplinary committee of faculty, administrators and students, was developed with input from the entire campus community and outlines the University’s strengths and opportunities, refines the vision and identifies areas of growth across academics, research, innovation, and business operations. 

Howard Forward is a framework of five institutional priorities, described as “pillars” that Howard University is uniquely positioned to address:

Pillar One: ENHANCE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: Howard will enhance academic excellence by supporting faculty, research and student development, academic rigor and retention through recruitment and continuous improvement of academic programs. 

Pillar Two: INSPIRE NEW KNOWLEDGE: Howard University will reward innovation in instruction, research, entrepreneurship, collaboration and capacity building that maximizes the institution’s impact by enlightening and inspiring our faculty and students to change the world.

Pillar Three: SERVE THE COMMUNITY: Howard University will serve its diverse community with high impact outreach and collaborative partnerships across division and beyond campus borders, while cultivating an atmosphere of inclusivity, wellness and civility. 

Pillar Four: IMPROVE EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS: Howard will improve efficiency and effectiveness with investments in upgraded technology and systems to promote automation and strategic incentive programming for customer satisfaction metrics, while consistently delivering highest quality products and services to our community and stakeholders. 

Pillar Five: ACHIEVE FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY: We will achieve financial sustainability through revenue diversification, process optimization, asset management, fundraising and investment in high return business opportunities, communicating in transparency and operating with accountability, all while being good stewards of our resources.  

The Steering Committee was led by Provost and Chief Academic Officer Anthony Wutoh, Executive Vice President & Chief Operations Officer Tashni Dubroy, and Chief Financial Officer Michael Masch

“Howard Forward is innovative, bold and will enable us to be responsive to market changes and the needs of our key stakeholders,” said Wutoh. “We were very intentional that this plan be inclusive of the ideas of the collective Bison family and will empower us to make progressive strides in the years ahead. Howard Forward represents the blueprint for what we aspire to accomplish as a University community. Our responsibility is now to implement and make this vision our reality."

To view President Frederick’s full message on the Howard Forward plan, click below:


Howard University Mathematician Talitha Washington Named 2019 Black Engineer Of The Year STEM Innovator

Howard University applied mathematician Talitha M. Washington, Ph.D., was honored with the 2019 Black Engineer of the Year (BEYA) STEM Innovator Award at the organization’s conference on Feb. 7.

Washington is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as a program director at the National Science Foundation. For many years, she has served in leadership roles at major mathematical professional societies and has advocated for STEM diversity and more career pathways for underrepresented groups.

Howard University College Of Pharmacy Awarded FDA Opioid Education Grant

The Howard University College of Pharmacy was recently awarded an $85,899 grant to educate the region’s pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on the dangers of opioid addiction and abuse.

The grant, which was awarded to the Office of Continuing Professional Education in the college, originated as a result of a mandate from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The problem of opioid abuse, misuse and addiction is one of the most significant public health crises facing the U.S. today. Anthea V. Francis, R.Ph., coordinator of the Office of Continuing Professional Education, said her office decided to apply for the program after noticing that no pharmacy school had received this award despite the fact pharmacists were among the healthcare professionals the FDA listed should receive opioid addiction continuing education.


Joi Chaney

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has appointed Howard University alumna Joi Chaney as senate chief of staff. Chaney, who earned her bachelor’s degree in political science from Howard University in 2000 and a law degree from Harvard University. She is one of the two Black chiefs of staff to be hired by returning senators in the 116th congress. This appointment makes her the third Black chief of staff in the Senate. 

Chaney is the director of Equal Pay Today, a coalition of women’s rights, worker’s rights, and civil rights organizations working together to close the gender wage gap for all women, including women of color. According to the Los Angeles Sentinel, Chaney will join Gillibrand’s office as its chief of staff at the end of January.

Chaney has a long-standing history advocating for equal pay rights, gender equality, and government service. She served in the Obama Administration at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a political appointee in the Office of the Chair. She also served as policy director and counsel of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee under Harry Reid, who was senate majority leader at the time. Chaney has also served as director of Government Relations at Planned Parenthood Federation of America.  

To learn more about Joi, click here: J.O.I. Strategies


TEDxLeDroitPark 2019: Translation to Transformation

TEDxLeDroitPark 2019, is in its inaugural year as a community engagement Capstone event, which will take place on Feb. 27 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Cramton Auditorium (Doors open at 5:30). Attendees will embark on an imaginative mental journey of self- transformation through the enlightenment of information from diverse talks, perspectives and live performances. The program will spur conversations and dialogue about diverse subjects. Free to the public, it offers the opportunity for all to come and participate in this interpersonal experience in the historical community of LeDroit Park in Washington, DC, a neighborhood, rich in its cultural diversity.

Centered on, “ideas worth spreading,” the theme, “Translation to Transformation" will be explored through live and recorded presentations on an incredible range of science in society topics (including precision medicine, astronomy and climate), bubbles, the arts, higher education and spirituality. Other highlights include the performing arts of music, song, dance and the spoken word.


Howard University Achieves Favorable Amendment In East End Health Act Bill

On Dec. 18, the Council of the District of Columbia passed legislation on the affirmative vote of 10 Councilmembers, 2 “no” votes and 1 recusal to include a requirement that the Howard University College of Medicine’s need for an affiliation agreement be satisfied before a new hospital is constructed.

The D.C. Council considered Bill 22-0959 the East End Health Equity Act of 2018 which, among other things, exempts the construction and operation of a hospital on the St. Elizabeth’s campus from the certificate of need process. This was the second and final reading of that bill as required under the District’s Home Rule Charter. The bill received its first reading on Dec. 4. At that time, an amendment sponsored by Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White was added to the bill requiring the operator of the hospital to ensure that the East End Hospital would support the Howard University College of Medicine and the Howard University Practice Plan in the training of Howard medical students and residents by entering into the necessary agreements sufficient for the Howard University College of Medicine to meet its accreditation requirements and continue its academic mission. 

The final bill adopted by the Council retained the provision making the execution of an academic affiliation agreement for the Howard University College of Medicine a condition precedent to the construction of the hospital. 

The result is the East End Hospital cannot be built unless there is an academic affiliation agreement with East End Hospital or other health care facility or facilities that will allow the Howard University College of Medicine to meet it accreditation needs and academic mission. The responsibility for implementing the legislation by providing leadership of a process that produces a substantive and sustainable affiliation agreement for the Howard University College of Medicine and bringing the new hospital to fruition now rests with the mayor and Executive Branch officials as they negotiate definitive agreements with UHS for the East End Hospital.  Howard University must, and will, actively engage in this process and remain vigilant to ensure that the legislative directive regarding academic affiliation is fully satisfied.

Founded in 1867, Howard University is a private, research university that is comprised of 13 schools and colleges. Students pursue studies in more than 120 areas leading to undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. The University operates with a commitment to Excellence in Truth and Service and has produced four Rhodes Scholars, 11 Truman Scholars, two Marshall Scholars, one Schwarzman Scholar, over 70 Fulbright Scholars and 22 Pickering Fellows. Howard also produces more on-campus African-American Ph.D. recipients than any other university in the United States.

Howard University Community Association ph: 202-806-2489 & 202-806-2661
Office of Off-Campus Housing & Community Engagement ph: 202-806-3385
Howard University Hospital Community Relations ph: 202-865-4238

2400 Sixth Street NW
Washington, DC 20059
Phone: 202-806-6100


Howard University | 2400 6th St NW, Washington , DC 20059

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