
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Unified Scene Theater’s Monthly FREE Improv Workshop returns Sunday, 03-03-2019

The Unified Scene Theater’s Monthly FREE Improv Workshop Returns Sunday, March 3rd, 1-3 pm

Ever thought “Hey, this improv stuff looks fun. But I’m not sure I could do it. Wouldn’t mind giving it a test run before I do.” Well, now’s your chance: we’re once again offering a free (that’s right: FREE) 2-hour improv workshop at The Unified Scene Theater on Sunday, March 3rd, from 1-3 p.m. Come on by. Kick the tires. You might surprise yourself — and have fun doing it! Space is limited, so let us know you’re coming by emailing us at and say, “yeah, what the heck, I’m coming.”

Instructor: Shawn Westfall

Prerequisites: A Pulse

Shawn Westfall
Artistic Director
The Unified Scene Theater
Jan-Feb 2019 Classes Currently Registering!

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