
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Bertha Holliday: presentation of preliminary architectural plans for 150 S St NW -- at Monday's BCA meeting and Tuesday's ANC5E meeting

From: Bertha Holliday
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2019 7:17 AM
Subject: Please post re 150 S St., NW (razed Church)


Kadida Development has submitted an application to DC's Office of Planning's Historic Preservation Office  and will be working with both HPO and HPRB and the community in attempting to ensure the development's design is both NOT incompatible with the historic character of Bloomingdale and meets any reasonable needs the community might have.   Kadida plans to construct 8 townhouses on the site of 150 S St. NW.  A  hearing date has not as yet been set, but may be scheduled in April. 

As a means of getting feedback, and possibly approval from residents, Kadida will be presenting at this coming Monday's BCA meeting (7 pm, St Georges Episcopal Church, 2nd and U St. NW) and at Tuesday's ANC 5E meeting (7 pm, Friendship-Armstrong Public Charter School, 1st & P St. NW).  I will inform  ANC 5E of the  major comments made by the residents at the BCA meeting. 

Copies of Kadida's preliminary renderings/drawings (2 versions) of the proposed development can be found at:  

I wish to encourage all interested residents -- ESPECIALLY RESIDENTS LIVING NEAR THE SITE,, and ARCHITECTS LIVING IN BLOOMINGDALE -- to come and lend their voice and expertise to the review of Kadida's plans at the upcoming BCA and/or ANC meeting(s).  Your interest and civic participation will be appreciated.

Bertha Holliday

Commissioner, ANC 5E07
Washington, DC

Fellow, American Psychological Association

150 S Street NW rendering

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