
Wednesday, April 03, 2019

daytime car break-in on Randolph Place NW -- watch the Nest video

See this Email exchange this morning from neighbors on Randolph Place NW:

a) That is shocking, both in the fact that it is so blatant and during broad daylight, as well as the extremely high quality of your home security video camera, which never ceases to amaze me.

We should definitely look out for / report this person.  Unfortunately, I do not know whose car that is, but we should share this video with the owner if we can. Maybe post on Nextdoor and Scott’s listserv as well?

b) Totally shocking! Can anybody get this to Scott? It happened so recently and the khaki pants and hair really make this guy stand out. Perhaps we could find him? 

Owner has been outside my house. He is beside himself. The police still have not even shown up!

c) The police have shown up.

Here is the Nest video link.

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