
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

St George's Episcopal Church: Join us for Holy Week & Easter!

From: Rev Kent Marcoux <>
Date: April 17, 2019 at 5:47:15 PM EDT
St George's DC - Join us for Holy Week & Easter!

Worship on Wednesdays - Tenebrae Service at 6:30 pm 

Join us TONIGHT for a special Tenebrae service – bringing together candlelit intimacy, singing from LEVAS, silent meditation, and scripture readings—a meditative common prayer. A wonderful opportunity to be silent and centered—worship that is particularly appropriate during Holy Week.  

Maundy Thursday - Eucharist with footwashing at 6:30 pm

This evening of Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Triduum - the three holy days before Easter. At this celebration we remember the Last Supper, where Jesus washed his disciples' feet and gave them the "new commandment" - to love and serve one another.  

Good Friday - Seven Last Words of Jesus at 12:00 pm 

The afternoon of Good Friday is thought of as the time when Jesus was crucified, beginning at noon and ending in his death at "the ninth hour," or 3:00 p.m. We will be at St George’s during this three-hour period – sharing readings and reflections, prayer, music, meditation, and preaching based on the "Seven Last Words," the seven sayings that the Gospels tell us Jesus spoke during his crucifixion. We hope you can join us.  

Good Friday - Solemn Liturgy at 6:30 pm

Join us for this service as we share Scripture, music, prayer and Communion from the Reserved Sacrament - a powerful setting for the drama of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.  

Easter Sunday - Early Service at 7:30 am 

Join us as we celebrate Easter with an early service shortly after sunrise. Joyful, Spirit-filled worship - with congregational singing led by the St George's Men's Choir!  

Easter Sunday - Festival Eucharist at 10:00 am

Join us as we celebrate Easter with a Festival Eucharist! Joyful, Spirit-filled worship - with congregational singing led by the St George's Parish Voices, and brass & tympani! Easter egg hunt & kids' activities, Easter brunch, & more!  

We hope you will join us!
For more info, visit
 or call Fr Kent at 443-315-8124.
Blessed Holy Week to you and those you love!

St George's Episcopal Church · 160 U St NW · Washington, DC 20001 · USA

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