
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Unified Scene Theater's newsletter this week

See this newsletter from The Unified Scene Theater:

Our first Spring session of Intro to Improv starts this weekend, and we've got a great show happening on Saturday! Plus: another show at Dupont Underground is coming up.

WE HAVE T-SHIRTS! Buy 'em in the theater. Or order them online. We'll ship 'em to ya!

Want to give someone an awesome Unified Scene Theater gift card? You can get them at the theatre, or you can snag one by emailing


Padsworth, Frenemies, and Just The Three Of Us
Saturday, April 13th at 8pm

Three amazing troupes: one that formed out of our classes here at The Unified Scene Theater; another that takes the elevated rhetorical styles of two prominent 20th Century intellects and, well, debases them; and three experienced improv graybeards take the stage without any idea what will happen -- though laughter is guaranteed


This month! Sign up. Get excited. 

We've just released a record number of new classes and offerings. But! This list is far from complete: future classes will include more sketch-comedy classes, poetry and fiction-writing workshops, as well as classes for — wait for it — children (we know, right?). Keep an eye on your inbox and our social media for more information on new stuff. And hey, if you know someone who might be interested -- forward them this email! We love new friends. 

  • Introduction to Improvisational Comedy, SaturdaysApril 13th-May 19th (FOUR SLOTS LEFT!) and TuesdaysApril 16th-May 21st
    • Students will be taught the basics of improv through exercises and games that demonstrate the fundamental principles behind this fun and exciting art form.
  • Introduction to Long-Form Improv, April 15th-May 20th:
    • It’s here you’ll learn the kinds of useful moves you and your troupe members can make in a long-form show to not only add flavor and texture to your performance but which will also help you find the fun — and  follow it — to the delight of audiences.
  • Advanced Improvisational Comedy: The Harold, June 4th-July 9th
    • You’ll learn to the basic structure of a Harold, the essential components of scene work that make Harolds successful, and how commitment and character-choices can help you and your scene partners quickly discover what’s uniquely funny about your scenes, and “follow the funny” to its culmination. 
  • Improv for Business Leaders, April 28th-June 9th
    • We will address a variety of realities and fears business professionals face every day using the lens of improv. This course is designed for anyone who works in a business environment, anyone who wants to work in a business environment. 

The Unified Scene Theater's New Second Stage: The Dupont Underground!

We at The Unified Scene Theater couldn't be prouder to announce that we have recently entered into a partnership with The Dupont Underground, which, over the last few years, has transformed from a former subterranean streetcar station in Dupont Circle into a unique underground space that supports creative exchange, contemporary arts practices, and art/performance/immersive events. Going forward, we'll be providing improv, sketch, and other comedic content once a month. Next up is on April 17th! Get your tickets here.

But that's not all: we'll be partnering with another cool space in DC very soon, with plans to provide monthly comedic content there as well. Can't say any more than that right now. Watch this space!


The Damage Is Undone!

If you've been in The Unified Scene Theater over the last couple of months, you might have noticed either (a) a hole, or (b) a patched hole in the wall behind our stage, the result of an energetic (but fully committed) performance by The Artless Bards. Now, like a damaged but precious work of art, our wall and its accompanying logo have been restored, looking once again as it did when we first opened. Thanks once again to Steve Bugenske for patching the hole a few months ago, and to artists Kristie Pope and Michelle Delabrer for your talent and time! 

Unified Scene Theater T-Shirts Available for Purchase, Both Online & At Our Space
Get yours here! They're $20 online (we'll ship them to you!) or $15 if you buy one in person at the theater.

Partner With Us! 
It's been a busy couple of weeks for Commedia Partners, The Unified Scene Theater's sister company: last month we were once again partnering with CACI International (our eighth engagement) to enhance more seamless collaboration among a team responsible for maintaining our country's safety and security. Two weeks ago we were at AtlanticLIVE, providing insight in collaboration and creativity to one of DC's most revered event/thought-leader organizations. And last week we were helping the latest round of MA candidates at Georgetown University's School of Professional Communications understand how improv can make them better communicators and leaders.

The Unified Scene Theater's sister company, Commedia Partners, has worked with a number of Fortune 500 companies and organizations, and, using the principles of improv, helped them discover their untapped creative and collaborative potential using the tools of improvisation, including The Washington Post Company, Discovery Communications, GEICOAIPACChipotleFlying Dog Brewery, the National Institutes of HealthCACIMarriott InternationalDowDupontESPNThe World BankPwC (formerly Price Waterhouse Coopers), and AstraZeneca, among many others. Looking for tools to transform your organization into a space where ideas flow, your team seems balanced, and where things seem to add up? Reach out to us

Know someone who might be interested in our upcoming classes, shows, or workshops? Feel free to forward this email to him or her. Or don't: you're a carbon-based life-form on this planet, one endowed with free will, so live your life, baby! 

See You On The Scene!

Shawn and Kathy
The Unified Scene Theater
80 T Street NW
Bloomingdale, DC 

The Unified Scene Theater, LLC · 14 S Street NE · #104 · Washington, DC 20002 · USA

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