
Saturday, April 06, 2019

today is Volunteer Day at Langley Elementary -- "we will be painting the brown hallways and cafeteria colorful pastels"

See this 04-06-2019 message:

Come one, Come all!
Today is Volunteer Day at Langley Elementary. We will be painting the brown hallways and cafeteria colorful pastels. 

3rd floor: Sweet Juliet purple

2nd floor: Whipped Mint
Cafeteria: Roasted Corn

Artist Calli Rae has agreed to do a mural 

Roro’s Modern Lebanese will be serving FREE lunch to the first 100 volunteers 

PTSA purchased all the paint and supplies this week thanks to all the hard work this year raising money!  Now we just need to paint the 14 thousand square feet of walls!

A big shout out to North Highland Worldwide Consulting who is bringing a team of 80-100 people. If we get enough volunteers we could win 5k!

Please tweet/intagagram/Facebook post the event and hashtag #DOGB2019 #DC

We get points for every post and it could help us win 5k.

Kids welcome! We’ll have the ECE playground open and a play date for incoming parents from 10-12p.


Christina Robbins

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