
Monday, May 20, 2019

HPRB designates the American Theater (Sylvan Theater) at 104-108 RI Ave NW a HIstoric Landmark

From: Office of Planning
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 5:01 PM
HPRB ACTIONS - April 25, 2019

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This document and staff reports related to the April 25, 2019 HPRB Meeting are posted on our website at: .

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Historic Preservation Review Board Meeting
April 25, 2019

Present: Marnique Heath, Chair; Andrew Aurbach, Outerbridge Horsey, Sandra Jowers-Barber, Linda Greene, Chris Landis, and Gretchen Pfaehler.  Absent:  Brian Crane and Thomas Brokaw.

467-469 M Street NW, HPA 18-517, request for reconsideration. 
The Board heard testimony from the neighbor, a representative of the ANC, and the property developer and determined not to rehear the case.  Vote: 4-2.

INTELSAT, 3400 International Drive/4000 Connecticut Avenue NW, Case 14-06.
The Board designated the former headquarters of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat) at 3400 International Drive NW a historic landmark in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, and that a nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places.  Vote: 6-0.

American Theater, 104-108 Rhode Island Avenue NE, Case 17-13.
The Board designated the American Theater (Sylvan Theater) a Historic Landmark in the District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites and recommended that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places at the local level of significance with a period of significance from 1913 through 1972. Vote: 7-0.

1226 Pleasant Street SE, HPA 18-615, concept/two-story accessory dwelling, roof deck. 
The Board found the revised concept to be compatible with the character of the historic district, and delegated final approval to staff.  Vote:  7-0.

1334 Valley Place SE, HPA 19-217, concept/two-story rear addition.
The Board found the concept compatible with the character of the historic district, and delegated further review of the details to staff, with the conditions that: (1) the foundation along the main block of the property remain and the expansion be limited to the rear addition, (2) the restoration of the exterior siding be wood to match historic siding, (3) the vinyl windows be replaced with aluminum-clad or wood windows, and (4) the basement areaway be reduced to a shorter length.  Vote:  7-0.

1524 W Street SE, HPA 19-221, concept/two-story rear addition with accessory apartment.
The Board found the submission had insufficient information to vote on the concept. The applicant was asked to further develop the plans and bring the permit set back to the Board for a vote.

CLEVELAND PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT                                     
3219 Wisconsin Avenue NW, HPA 19-041, revised concept/building relocation and construction of six-story apartment building.
The Board found the revised concept to be compatible with the character of the historic district, and delegated final approval to staff.  Vote:  7-0.

3401 Lowell Street NW, HPA 19-270, concept/alterations and addition.
[deferred at the request of the applicant]

1128 6th Street NW, HPA 19-215, concept/convert single-family dwelling to multi-unit dwelling, three-story rear addition and penthouse.
The Board advised the applicant to reduce the height to a three-story rear addition and return to the Board for further review. Vote: 5-1.

620 C Street SE, HPA 19-222, revised concept/second and third story additions.
The Board supported the revised concept because of the unique configuration of the property and under the conditions that the third story be pushed back from the front an additional three feet and that no terrace area be created in front of the third story addition.  Final approval was delegated to staff.  Vote: 3-2; 1 abstention. 

429 5th Street NE, HPA 19-214, concept/three-story and roof addition.
The Board took no formal action but advised the applicant that more information and revisions were needed, including a dimensioned public space drawing, drawings showing context with adjacent properties, plans and sections that clearly illustrated the extent of demolition and retention, drawings that showed the HVAC compressors in plan and section and utility meter placement; and revisions to the material selection of the addition, to the front yard areaway to convert it to a window well, and to remove the third story balcony.  The project should return to the Board when ready.


The consent calendar was approved by a vote of 6-0.

414 Constitution Avenue NE, HPA 19-235, concept/rear three-story addition with cellar; rooftop addition; rear deck and balcony; conversion to two-family dwelling.  The Board requested that restoration of the windows be explored, if they are original.
811 E Street SE, HPA 19-259, concept/two-story rear addition with partial third floor; new windows and wells on front, back and side; new siding.  The Board asked staff to ensure that there is not too much structural demolition, especially of the floor assemblies.  The Board also requested that restoration of the windows be explored, if they are original.

2014 O Street NW, HPA 19-258, permit/rear addition.
2124 O Street NW, HPA 19-265, concept/addition of partial third floor on two-story rowhouse. The Board asked staff to work with the applicant to determine how the addition will drain at the front of the existing building.

1357 R Street NW, HPA 19-266, concept/public space enclosure

1656-1658 Park Road NW, HPA 19-208, revised permit/construct second story on garage; subdivision to combine two buildings and their lots; alterations

1225 11th Street NW, HPA 19-210, concept/fourth floor addition

913 U Street NW, HPA 19-268, concept/rooftop trellis.  The Board stated that there should not be a permanent HVAC system installed in the terrace.
1832 15th Street NW, HPA 19-173, concept/two-story rear addition, garage addition [removed from consent calendar at request of ANC 2B; rescheduled for May 23 agenda]
1517 Swann Street NW, HPA 19-261, concept/third floor addition
1737 11th Street NW, HPA 19-227, permit/roof deck and extension of side parapet


Transcripts of this Historic Preservation Review Board Meetings may be purchased from the court reporting agency that covered this hearing – Olender Reporting, Inc. (202) 898-1108, ,or . Copies of individual staff reports that are prepared in advance of the hearing are posted on our website at .

Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024

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