
Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Ward 5 CM McDuffie press release: "McDuffie to Introduce Legislation to Make Go-Go the Official Music of the District of Columbia"

From: Kenyan R. McDuffie, DC Councilmember
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 8:51 AM
PRESS RELEASE: McDuffie to Introduce Legislation to Make Go-Go the Official Music of the District of Columbia

Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie to Introduce Legislation to Make Go-Go the Official Music of the District of Columbia

Legislation comes as the growing #DontMuteDC movement calls for respect for Go-Go and the culture of the District of Columbia

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Contact: Nolan Treadway, (202) 445-0361,

Washington, D.C. -- Today, Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie will introduce the Go-Go Official Music of the District of Columbia Designation Act of 2019. In addition to amending the official D.C. code to enshrine Go-Go music as a part of the fabric of the District, the legislation also requires the Mayor to design and implement a program to support, preserve, and archive Go-Go music and its related documents and recordings.

"To me, and so many other native Washingtonians, Go-Go music has become so much more than just a musical genre. It is the very fabric of the city’s cultural and artistic expression," McDuffie said, "Designating Go-Go the official music of the city signals to those who have been here and to those who continue to move here, that this music represents the lived experiences of native Washingtonians. It codifies into law that Go-Go will never be muted in the District of Columbia."


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