
Thursday, July 11, 2019

DC Water NEBT message: "Florida Ave Construction Site, extended work hours notice"

From: Hadiah Jordan
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 5:04 PM
NEBT: Florida Ave Construction Site, extended work hours notice

To reply to this email:

Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project
Florida Avenue NW Construction Site

Thursday, July 11, 2019


On Friday, July 12, 2019, DC Water's NEBT Contractor will begin work to install a lining in an existing sewer at the Florida Avenue NW Construction Site. The work will remain within the fenced area on Third Street NW. It is expected that this work will take approximately 24-36 hours to complete and will extend beyond normal work hours. Once the sewer lining work begins it cannot be interrupted until it is completed. Bypass pumping is required during the sewer lining work to provide continuous service to upstream customers.

The lining work can only be performed under dry weather conditions and the start time is highly weather dependent. The work is necessary to protect the 1800's era brick sewer prior to the start of deep excavation work associated with the NEBT project. 
What to Expect
  • The bypass pumping and sewer relining effort will require generators and pumps running continuously while this work is ongoing. 
  • Customers will experience noise associated with the work. This work has been designed to reduce as much noise as possible.
We apologize for the short notice.

For More Information:
24/7 NEBT Hotline: (800) 988-6151
DC Clean Rivers Project:
Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project:

Copyright © 2019 DC Clean Rivers, All rights reserved.
Your contact information is listed on the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Stakeholder Database to receive project updates.

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DC Clean Rivers
5000 Overlook Avenue SW
Washington, Dc 20032

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  1. aniel in brooklandWednesday, July 10, 2019 11:47:00 PM

    The appeals court contradicted Carolyn Brown of Holland and Knight, she said they have the OK to demolish any time. The judge corrected her, he said and affirmed in the decision, that as long as court cases are pending they cannot get demolition permits. So what kind of jump start are they foisting on you now? We need the MAG to get on this, and a proper ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY from EPA , not corrupt DC agencies. The developer consistently thumbs their nose at law, and Bloomingdale residents, So here comes the dust, the noise, pollution , diesel fumes, massive trucks and broken up roads, you can look forward to years of construction, like 10 years of disruption, YOU WILL SUFFER kiddies! Time is short to join the next legal phase and stop this "Monstrosity on Michigan Avenue"...they cut down 500 trees, jack hammered the grand staircase, destroyed 66 varieties of trees and plantings, destroyed and shoved aside the gorgeous Senator McMillan Memorial fountain(see Herbert Adams sculptor) all violations of Federal law, from the start in 1987, now they have sterilized the site and i'm sure used carcinogenic "Round up" to defoliate,,,, quite a neighborly exercise. When will you Bloomies ever condemn Bowser, McDuffie, Mendelson, Gray (electoral fraud), HT Thomas Jr.(embezzler,inc $55,000 bribe to EYA), for keeping the fence up and spitting in your face all these years,????Park is too dangerous, what kind of imbecilic garbage is that? For all this, you Bloomies are still rewarding the DC govt. and VMP,,, but what credibility do they have. They lied straight faced to Bowser and Mendelson (covered that up) about the unconstitutional Fontaine PR campaign...WHO CARES?

  2. Daniel, it's difficult to take your statements as credible in there entirety when they include factual errors. In 1941 the fountain was dismantled and moved for a reservoir expansion to prepare for World War II. Further, it was never located at the sand filtration site.

  3. Also, the original post was not about McMillan.

  4. The problems with the sewer and water system is that infrastructure from the 1830's is failing. Not that DC WASA or DC Water or whatever their latest name is, has not done proper modernization for 180 years, that's not the problem. Have you ever seen DC Water clean out a storm drain of bottles, garbage, food, motor oil? I have lived in DC since 1983, and never seen them do their job. Yesterday noticed bottles, food containers clogging a storm drain,,, that is their job, they never do their job.. Notice they never turn off the trucks, just idle everywhere, trucks sitting and idling. SUCH INCOMPETENCE had to put a sewer retention tunnel into McMillan because they have not done proper work for 180 years..but in upper NW the sewers and storm drains are separated, they modernized for the privileged and left our section of the city failing. I just wonder when we get equal treatment, equal expenditures, then the corrupt DC govt. can start taking our parks for their corporate owners profit and land grab.

  5. If you see clogged drains, just give DC Water a call. They'll come out and clean them out. Ours wasn't draining on Adams St in Bloomingdale and one call got them out. Odd you haven't seen them doing it...

  6. thank you for apologizing and rationalizing the gross incompetence and gold bricking that pervades all DC agencies. Let us figure out how much more billions of dollars can be wasted, flushed down the toilet and handed out to VMP? Why do we have to report what they should be observing themselves, and actually doing their job? Nate, which is the worst DC govt. agency??
    answer: They all are. DC is the 79 th richest country in the world, 5 times richer than any state or city in the nation. Google, "annual expenditures per capita", and we own McMillan but shills for corporate power are assisting the collusion and theft from the people of DC our priceless property.. Nate did you have a vote in the "surplus" land give away? Did you attend a forum to see the various options? Did the incumbent hacks on the corrupt city council ask what you want to do with your land at McMillan,,, nobody ever asked me. And we are the owners not the pathetic sheep they enjoy herding around at "community engagement dog and pony shows", charades of community input. VMP's touted 200 meetings.. barf! I find it odd that newbie yuppies are so obedient to corrupt officials, that have fenced out their neighbors and lied for years and hire PR firms to slander and violate the community.. Good luck Nate! please post something with facts and analysis.

  7. Haha "newbie yuppie" Dude, get some help Danny. You don't even live in Bloomingdale. Keep copy pasting the same drivel that you always do. I actually posted some facts, simple fact is that if you have a clogged drain, call DC Water. Sorry that offends you or whatever? Everyone knows you're a nut, keep proving it.

  8. Also, build it. Its literally a pile of dirt. Have a good one nutcase Dan.
