
Monday, July 01, 2019

McMillan Park Conservancy meeting -- Saturday, 07-06-2019

Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 5:25 AM
Subject: [HistoricWashington] McMillan Park Conservancy Meets Saturday, 10 am - `Save McMillan-Olmsted Park`

Pave and Demolish McMillan into 50 buildings - Condo Mall on Olmsted Park

The West Power plant has GSA assigned covenants that give very wide discretion to SHPO and OP. Obviously the Zoning, Comp plan, and even appeals courts are being watered down to move development on Historic sites. These moves all reduce or eliminate the opportunity for community input and access to appeals. Now the developers are still wondering if they can get an even more wide open party, a pig festival in this construction frenzy. They question why the judges in the appeals are Federally appointed and should they decide local DC business?

Sure get rid of the judges next!!!

"The British are coming, The British are coming" Paul Revere

and now we must sound the alarm to Save McMillan-Olmsted Park !!

All historic preservation supporters please join McMillan Park Conservancy

July 6 Sat. 10:00 AM
69 Bryant St. NW

McMillan Park Conservancy and our attorneys, in the "kick off" of the next phase of legal opposition to the Vision McMillan Plan and Bowser/DMPED partnership, the humongous/anti historic preservation/anti environment/ and illegal re-developement plan -- "The monstrosity on Michigan Avenue" brought to you by EYA, Jair Lynch and Trammel Crow in *partnership* with Mayor Bowser/DMPED.

Light breakfast snacks served.  Come see the hideous condition and sterility, the $60 million fraudulent "Site Stabilization".  They have totally denuded the bucolic vine covered green space and historically protected site.  Bare and dusty, gross violations of Historic Preservation covenants and *demolition* is coming if we are not in the fight.  Call me for details and questions.

Daniel Goldon Wolkoff


  1. Weren't the "bucolic vines" growing the sand bins threatening the structures? There are vines that can safely climb brick without causing damage but that takes careful pruning and providing pins for the vine to climb, a level of care that I just don't think took place. Pulling the vines off the sand bins saved history, I'd think.

  2. Regarding, “anti-historic preservation”... The development has been approved by the Historical Preservation Review Board.

    1. A corrupt government who's city council and mayor are the embarrassment of the Nation would have to have corrupt subservient agencies..if you watched this fraud ongoing Kevin you would understand.The people are blocked, squelched and co-opted by too much power in too few corrupt hands. The DC agencies are corrupt it just follows logically. The complacent citizen is the biggest problem. They are either actively against corruption and stands against it, or the complacent citizen ENABLES it. Mendelson? Evans? Bowser? McDuffie? Harry Thomas Jr initiated the VMP plan a convicted embezzler, so did Michael Brown and Kwame Brown felons. And Gray was not even elected legitimately, his electoral fraud was in the $750,000 range, and then protected by Ron Machen the Federal prosecutor who said "we will clean up the corruption on the DC govt. just test our resolve". He protected Gray, wow,,, such resolve !!! VMP and Jeff Miller DMPED, hired Jamie Fontaine PR firm to suppress our voice,, do you support the pr violations of the first amendment? come to 69 Bryant Sat July 6 10:00 AM to fight for our park, defeat the "Monstrosity" for a real Olmsted Park, Wolf Trap DC, Glen Echo campus for families and urban agriculture, preserve our African-American heritage, do not sell it out. The richest city in the world,5 times over, can afford to provide us with a decent coherent historic park and environmentally sustainable green space for our recreation and public health. please call for info Daniel Goldon Wolkoff 202-232-=8391

  3. This fight is over. We need to look forward to a new day in this beautiful space. First and foremost an 8 acre park and recreation center for all who live here to enjoy. Then the much needed housing and services that will follow in the rest of the area. Can't wait for this to become a reality for Bloomingdale and Stronghold!
