
Monday, July 15, 2019

public hearing on the disposition of 36 Channing St NW and 160 Adams St NW, recently auctioned off by DHCD -- Tuesday, 07-16-2019

First, see the announcement below from the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) regarding its recent Vacant 2 Vibrant property auction, which included two Bloomingdale properties -- two former Hofgard houses -- 160 Adams St NW and 36 Channing St NW.

The winnng bidder for 160 Adams Street NW is North Star Properties LLC, whose winning bid was $399,000.

The winning bidder for 36 Channing Street NW is Space to Grow LLC, whose winning bid was $652,050.

Note that these properties are supposed to be developed as workforce housing.  

Now see this announcement about tomorrow's public hearing on the disposition of these properties: 

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