
Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Urban Turf post on "a proposed zoning amendment which could expand what is possible in DC alleys"

Click on the link to read the entire Urban Turf article.

I would imagine that these proposed regulations would impact Bloomingdale.

New Zoning Amendments Could Result in Artist Performances and More Homes in DC’s Alleys

·        July 2, 2019

·        By Nina Perry-Brown

A proposed zoning amendment could expand what is possible in DC's alleys.

The Office of Planning (OP) has submitted a text amendment to the Zoning Commission recommending a slate of edits which would ostensibly make alley dwellings by-right on more city lots. The amendments would also give artists with alley studios more freedom in using the public space, permitting the location to host up to five shows or performances annually. The zoning code does not currently have any rules pertaining to alley studio performances.

The proposed edits include:
  • Amending language that currently allows alley dwelling heights up to 40 feet by special exception in the RF-1 zone, instead requiring a variance with a higher burden of proof.

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