
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Save McMillan Park creative planning meeting -- Sunday, 08-11-2019

See this Facebook post:


  1. Or you know... just let them build the damn thing and increase all local property values, bring more commerce to our neighborhood and have a grocery store people can walk to which would provide healthier food options to people who currently shop at the local corner stores.

    1. Keep your fingers crossed. And by the way, I don't believe they are the ones to give permission for anything. The zoning commission, Historic Preservation, the courts and the DC government have done that!

  2. "WATCH IT BURN" This language is threatening and I don't understand why this is acceptable on this blog. Bloomingdale Civic Association needs to take this down or report it to authorities.

    1. It appears that this blog is pretty well aligned with Otten's group.

    2. I had the same thought about the language. But this isn't the first over-the-top statement from Otten or Wolkoff, who've been pretty good at vilifying anyone who doesn't share their ''all-park" view. If someone tries to burn it down once construction begins, police will have a good place to start their investigation.

    3. you vilify yourself, get some facts, and use your real name COWARDS! Why did the govt. keep McMillan Park closed, the official park, on the West side, after WW2 ended?? Could be to keep out and discourage African-American families from buying in Bloomingdale, while the Restrictive Housing Covenants were still blatantly discriminating against those families. Proud of that racist history?
      VMP is the Big Daddy of corporate welfare abuse, biggest corrupt deal ever (that is really scary!), The "growth machine" and their City Council stooges cancelling virtually all of community input or chance to be heard in the courts,,proud of yourself NOBODYHOMEUPSTAIRS? While the incumbent hacks, rant about "all eight wards have a voice" campaign garbage slogan by hack Muriel Bowser. What utter "Torro dung". This is exactly how we lose our rights, nobodyhomeupstairs,
      Democracy "use it or lose it". Evans took 25 years to finally be exposed.. corruption and cynical stooges, wow, what chance do children or sincere citizens have? What are your names?? You pro paving, pro traffic congestion/pollution, pro corporatism, pro dictatorial govt. lackies! (new term of vilification)?
      The super market /mall belongs at WHC with their massive master red-development plan,that is a weird concept called "regional planning",, bizarre!, not even needing a single office at McMillan (Reale state speculative BS)
      Please ask Kevin Rapp if he would do a wine cellar in adaptive re-use of the underground filtration galleries? A DC Wolf Trap concert stage,a Glen Echo arts /instruction campus.. WHY DO YOU COWARDS HATE CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY, and love corporate power and greed? Just part of arrogant cynicism, your basic instincts?? We are with the hate nature and just PAVE IT CROWD!!!

    4. Get some help Danny in Brookland.

  3. Dear Ugh: No, this blog is not aligned with Otten's group.

    1. Really? You’ve posted his baseless, incendiary post multiple times. I’d say otherwise Scoot
