
Sunday, September 01, 2019

WaPo: "Group protests development at historic McMillan Reservoir site"

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Post article and to view the image:

About 20 people gathered Saturday at the historical McMillan Reservoir to protest its redevelopment.

Protesters accused the developer, Vision McMillan Partners, of moving forward with demolition at the former water-filtration plant before all legal questions have been resolved.

“Save McMillan Park!” the group chanted as they marched up Channing Street NW. “Water is life!”

The fenced site, however, appeared quiet.

A backhoe was parked near the concrete silos that, from the early 1900s to the 1980s, held sand used to filter water.



  1. We need to start talking about the future of this site. NOT THE HISTORY. Hopefully the courts ruling from earlier this year will stand and this valuable project will finally move forward. Whether black or white, young or old, what is needed and long overdue is a walkable center to buy food or go to a park or to a doctors appointment. We should not let 20 people continue to hamper this project any longer.

  2. "Water is life?" I don't know what that means in this context. Nobody appears to be proposing to reopen the filtration plan to once again clean water. You'd be smarter to yell something like "Grass is greener than money."

  3. this area has been fenced off and inaccessible all my life. I dont recall any protesters agitating for its use at anytime in the last 30 years. But let someone want to actually do something with the space and Chris Otten and his cronies magically appear. The NIMBYism has gotten to be ridiculous
