
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bloomingdale Farmers Market: Keepwell Vinegars pop-up today!

From: Robin Shuster
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2019 11:47 PM
Keepwell pops up Sunday 

Hi Keepwell fans!
We are very excited that Keepwell Vinegars is back Sunday for their October pop up m!

For Sunday’s market they will be bringing the following vinegars... 
  • Concord Grape
  • Granny Smith Apple
  • Heirloom Tomato
  • Aronia Berry
  • Sorghum Molasses
  • Wildflower Honey
  • Turmeric
And the wonderful Walnut Leaf Bay Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce’s 19th C ancestor:

Black Walnut Bay Sauce begins life as our very own apple cider vinegar.
We age it for a year with ginger, garlic, and horseradish for a round and deep
savory flavor, but the most important element is a hefty amount of black walnut
leaves. The leaves give it a mild bitter and herbal flavor, which has a unique
history of use in American south cooking traditions - an early worcestershire-like
Bay Sauce makes a wonderful.

mignonette right out of the bottle, is the perfect secret ingredient to your
caesar or blue cheese dressing, and is a killer marinade on a quick-cooking cut
like flank steak.

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