
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

here is Casey Trees' rendering of the Park at LeDroit in 20 years (after this past Saturday's bountiful tree planting!)

At this past Saturday's tree planting at the Park at LeDroit coordinated by Casey Trees, there was a poster of the final rendering of what the Park should look like in twenty years.

I asked Casey Trees to share the rendering.

See the response below.

I have attached a PDF of the rendering I made. Please credit Casey Trees wherever you use it.


Shayda Musavi 

And here is the rendering.



  1. too bad the district govt and Casey Trees are selling the public trees, we pay for them, pay for the planting and pay for contracting for water/irrigation bags that NOBODY fills with life giving WATER, while we have three months without rain. Probably they syteal aboput $900 per dead tree. The DC govt. is one big corrupt, incompetent, malfeasence! Must get rid of the dictatorship of the incumbent hacks on the DC City Council.
    Put the corrupt criminals like Vince Gray in prison with his friends already convicted felons, Harry Thomas Jr., Kwame Brown, soon Jack Evans and please never forget the immortal words of At-Large Council-member Michael Brown. Upon sentencing for accepting bribes from the FBI for contracting fraud, to the Judge
    "I couldn't resist the culture of corruption on the DC City Council". YOU either fight corruption or you enable it!!

    1. ...we should put a fence up around LeDroit Park until we can get this settled in court!

    2. Casey trees does a lot of good work for DC. What do you do for DC Danny, besides lose court cases?

  2. Daniel: I don't have a problem with calling government out on things, but Casey Trees is a non-profit. They provide trees (and equipment and labor for planting) free of charge. At the last planting the community volunteers watered them, sometimes with the aid of curious children playing in the park. A few trees failed, but the bulk remain. It is true that the water itself along with the piping installed was on the District's 'dime', thus a taxpayer concern.

  3. Daniel, you could prevent this scandal by personally filling the empty water bags.
