
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

? composting at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market ?

Let me repost this message at the blog.

From: Robin Shuster
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:07 PM
Let's get Composting at BFM in 2020!

Hey. BFM Fans,

If we want composting at the market next year, we have to bombard Annie White, Manager of Office of Waste Diversion at DPW,  with hundreds of emails saying so.  Tweet DPW, get signatures on a petition from the market as well as the whole neighborhood (Bloomingdale, Eckington, Truxton Circle, LeDroit, close in Shaw, etc )and send them to her….They will only do it if they believe we will have lots of people coming to their compost stand at BFM.

Who wants to volunteer to lead the effort?

Here is what she said in response to my request for composting at BFM in 2020. 



Thank you for your note Robin. We'll keep Bloomingdale on the list of markets for consideration if and when DPW decides to expand the food waste drop off program. At present, there are no plans to expand the number of markets for the program this in 2020.


Annie White
Manager, Office of Waste Diversion
Department of Public Works
250 E St SW
Washington, DC 20024
(c) 202.438.8277


Robin Shuster
14 and U Farmers' Market 
Bloomingdale Farmers' Market

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