
Friday, November 22, 2019

DC Office of Planning and DDOT have released "North Capitol Street Streetscape Guidelines"

See this tweet:


  1. "Maintain park-like character", only in DC could such utter garbage pass for govt. policy. They destroy McMillan park and tell us a streetscape "corridor", an ugly congested street, will "maintain park-like character". Bloomingdale you FAILED, you did not maintain any sort of real grassroots effort, FOMP was a bad joke, and you all just dropped back, dropped out like cry babies, and let this corrupt City Council, and Mayoroyalty shove VMP down your throats. Some of you were just nasty to me, and ineffective with your silly testifying to the City hearings, where DC officials laughed in your face., We sacrificed big expensive time, we went to court, Daniel and Chris went to court, and you Bloomingdale people were just pitiful, and only the Pro Se petitioners made any real commitment, and I applaud them.and thank each one for sticking to it. So look how Bloomingdale's meager efforts failed. We were and are committed, and you all abandoned us, so thanks a lot!! what ineffective,psuedo armchair liberals.. thanks alot!!!, you get what you deserve, a massive hideous development forced on you by un-ethical, immoral, corruption, and you let it happen.

    all of DC , either you fight corruption or you enable it. Bowser and the City Council are corrupt and VMP is a lying, perjuring bully. Subordinate DC agencies are a sponge to absorb your time and energy and you all played right into their hands. These Dc agencies that evaluate and regulate their own boss, fear for their jobs and must be corrupt, to enable DC officials, like McDuffie, and Mendelson to BE CORRUPT. The Attorney General must be corrupt, as well, or the system of corruption would never work. The massive transfer of public wealth to VMP, at all of our expense. That MEDIOCRE bully VMP, will make great neighbors, good luck!

  2. Daniel,

    Have you elected to abandon your efforts to stop development at the McMillan Filtration Plant? Thank you for the work you've done to improve the development. Although the entire site may not turn into a park, the plans are much better than they were originally; in large part thanks to your efforts.
