
Friday, December 13, 2019

presentation of the planning facts around the McMillan project -- Sunday, 12-15-2019

See this Facebook post:


  1. I was unable to attend because I got called to work. Can anyone fill us in on the details?

  2. Kevin,, just look around, please, and SEE. The Highline in NY's lower west side was an elevated railroad, but innovative planners saw the benefit in making it a recreation promenade. So adaptive re-use is a very valid solution to older sites that no longer are used for their original purpose. Not everything has to be converted to housing or "surplussed" from public ownership and transferred to corporate hands, bottom line corrupt land theft. I understand from a vastly experienced historic preservation activist and former ANC from Capitol Hill, that the developers lawyers, Holland and Knight wrote and gave the legislation to convicted felon and former City Council member Harry Thomas Jr, to submit, and a corrupt City Council passed it. This is corporate welfare abuse(stealing), as any developer can make a profit on such a large plan in this real estate market, so why give them $319 million of our tax dollars and the $ billion land? Gray another criminal who committed massive electoral fraud moved the scandalous plan and The City council wrote and re-wrote the law to keep it moving as well. Harry Thomas received $55,000 donation (bribe) from EYA, and EYA has now used its sponsorship of WAMU to saturate the air waves and even has them stirring up "The Height" issue for them(public radio?)

    The likewise corrupt city govt. subordinate agencies all under DMPED have "green-lighted" this development and violate Federal Historic preservation covenants, specifically David Maloney the SHPO(State Historic Preservation officer) has manipulated the covenants to give them a pass, and is an insult to his profession. HPRB, Office of Planning and Zoning Chairman Anthony Hood all did their part and the "evaluative agencies" distorted the whole process in VMP favor, non stop, as did The Mayor's Agent Prof Peter Byrne of Georgetown U. This is how corruption works. Have you ever attended a hearing at Zoning,or HPRB, or even read the transcript of a hearing? So you should stop blabbering for minute and read this corrupt process of agency after agency just "approving it" because the other agency "approved" it. Really Kevin who appointed you the guardian of VMP or the DC corrupt govt??

    McMillan Sand Filtration Plant had an Olmsted designed Promenade around the entire perimeter, so it had a tree-lined promenade , but you say it was not a park. Isn't that ridiculous? The DC govt upon wasting the $9.3 million it paid in 1987 for 32 years, VIOLATED the covenants in the GSA assigned deed immediately, first cut down 500 trees and jack hammered the entrance stairs, TO CONCEAL THIS FROM the African-American people that used the site for recreation, and waste the site for 32 years for their corporate overlords to eventually steal the land in the hottest most profitable realty market EVER, ARE YOU PROUD of that
