
Thursday, December 19, 2019

some McMillan protest tweets to fluster some of you

Here you go:


  1. The sunset view shown would remain with development. The sunset photo is from the vantage point of the west side of 1st st facing the reservoir. The development is behind this photo, on the east side of 1st st.

    Yet another example of DC4reality and others distorting the truth to aid their interests. There is nothing wrong with protesting the development. Distorting the truth to do so is.

    Perhaps the people from dc4reality made an honest mistake and just aren’t that familiar with the site?

  2. is this really the way the business of the District of Corruption should be done? Ramming massive development projects down our throats? No forum, no panel discussion, no alternatives given any attention, no ballot referendum, no votes, then hiring a PR firm Jamie Fontaine to violate our First Amendment rights, DMPED Jeff Miller (former VP of Trammel Crow) and Shiv Newaldous lied to City Council,under oath and its just perjury, so Bowser and Mendelson cover it up, about paying for Fontaine , Mendelson is corrupt and Aakash Thaakar VP of EYA lied to him about the Fontaine payments as well.. VERY PRETTY!JUST tge dictatorship of corrupt incumbent hacks and mediocre developer insiders make $100's of millions and force their will on us, STEAL OUR LAND, and we live with the consequences. The City govt, made the laws as they went along, exempted VMP from City council contracting reforms, DISGUSTING poor and illegal acts, no morality, no ethics, on a racist plan that fenced it off for 32 years NOT NECEssary dummies!

    Silman Associates testified "the filtration cells were in jeopardy of "imminent" collapse,, WHAT A LIE!!! Don't go into any buildings they do a structural study of,, WHAT FALSIFICATION!!!Holland and Knight lawyer Carolyn Brown told the judge in the Appeals Court that the cells would collapse like dominoes, "lateral soil pressure", which is RIDICULOUS, those structures would serve our alternative uses FOREVER!! GET REAL kiddies,you are being HAD!!

  3. You should take a deep breath some time and learn to organize your thoughts. As hard as I try, I cannot follow your train of thought. Four exclamation points does not make you right. It just makes you seem a little creepy.
