
Saturday, February 08, 2020

Bertha Holliday requests that you complete Ward 5 CM McDuffie's Budget Priorities Survey (and write in funding for the North Capitol Street deckover project)

From: Bertha Holliday
Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2020 12:13 AM

Our Ward 5 Councilman Kenyon McDuffie wants Ward 5 residents to complete a survey that will provide him their opinions of what the Ward 5 FY2021 budget priorities should be.  Below you will find a link to the short survey.  Please take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.  Most important,  at the END of the survey, there is a 'Comment Box".  In this box:  PLEASE LET THE COUNCILMAN KNOW THAT YOU SUPPORT  FUNDING FOR THE PROPOSED NORTH CAPITOL STREET DECK-OVER AND PARK (proposed to be located between V St. and Seaton Pl. -- photo above)!  Last year, Councilman McDuffie  proposed $40 million for the Deck-over & Park.  Let him know, we as residents of Bloomingdale, Eckington, Stronghold, Hanover Area, Bates/Truxton Circle, and Edgewood support funding for this much needed public improvement that will repair the harm done by the building of the North Capitol Street underpass to meet the needs of Maryland commuters  The Deck-over Park will re-connect the east and west sides of NC, provide much needed quality green and park space, commemorate the histories of our neighborhoods, and catalyze the growth and development  of our North Capitol Street business community  You must submit your survey electronically by FEBRUARY 12 !
Here is the survey link (CLICK):

Thanks much for your civic engagement and advocacy for the North Capitol Deck-Over..
Bertha Holliday
Co- Director, BCA Bloomingdale Village Square Initiative

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