
Monday, February 24, 2020

Build It At McMillan signage around the neighborhood

From: David
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 12:49 PM
Subject: McMillan stickers around Bloomingdale


  1. AWESOME! We need more..where can we get these?

  2. That the website is a .biz says it all, don't you think?

  3. Pit of a brain is more like it! What don't you get about a historic registered landmark park designed by Olmstead? Oh - yes - and the gorgeous underground caverns that could be brilliantly repurposed? This lack of imagination and commercial mediocrity is what has made this city so bland. I'm 100% for an international competition to create a monumental plan for McMillan. We don't need anymore lack luster - we need political leaders who are visionary and elevate not degrade our precious and limited resources!

  4. I'm sure the stickers refer to building the community center, swimming pool, ampatheater and sports fields, while re-purposing the amazing caverns into , a brewery, spa, restaurant, arts space, gym, shops, music venue, market, distillery etc.

  5. I thought the engineers had determined the "caverns" were unsafe to be reused without expensive and complicated renovation that could make them look entirely different inside. It might have been a warning if there was construction on top of them but I remember in the 80's being warned unsafe for the public because of the hundreds of manholes and because the arched roofs of the caverns were no longer sturdy. I thought this was why the dramatic and once vine-covered sand storage towers could be saved but the caverns could not, other than maybe keeping a couple for historic reasons.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks Scott for cleaning up the comments. I removed mine, which are no longer required thanks to your editing.
