
Friday, March 06, 2020

Ms. Merritt: "Why should you consider hiring an online tutor for your child?"

From: Merritt Wuchina  
Sent: Friday, March 6, 2020 7:07 AM
Subject: Why should you consider hiring an online tutor for your child?
Why should you consider hiring an online tutor for your child?
Ms. Merrit's Micro-schooling is introducing a global tutoring offering to address many of the problems families face when it comes to hiring a tutor. 
Here are 3 reasons to check it out:  
1. Online and global
"Students will get to check out 'the world out there' ..whether it be inside a famous museum...or outdoors at an interesting destination worth learning about."
2. Qualified, professional, and personal teachers
" together...on a monthly basis to expand their mastery and adeptness in the practices of holding other’s feelings, deep listening, and leading group mutuality “sittings”..."
3. Affordable pricing points to suit your needs 
"An alternative currency called the DanaChip or  is used to set each customer’s individual price...We believe these values of inclusion, affordability, and generosity "

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