
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Happy Easter & blessings during this pandemic to our neighbors from Tom Noll

Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 1:06 AM
Subject: Happy Easter and Blessings During this Pandemic to Our Neighbors from Tom Noll

Happy Easter to our Neighbors from our Tom Noll’s White Bicycles Fence Art Installation decorated by him for Easter in our Bloomingdale neighborhood at corner of Rhode Island Avenue, 1st and T St NW.
We are hoping to bring a little joy and whimsy in this tragic and terrible Pandemic times - 
Thank you neighbors for staying home, safe and keeping the social distancing rule & use of mask & gloves to keep others safe and healthy.
Keep the Faith at this time and through out the year, Stay Safe, Strong & Healthy! 

Hold your loved ones close and keep in touch with family & friends!
This too shall pass; we shall enjoy a new and better life together again.

Tom Noll and Alberto Ucles

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