
Monday, May 11, 2020

from neighbor children's book author Tom Noll - Our Neighborhood Hearty "Thank You" to Healthcare Workers & First Responders at Bloomies White Bicycle Park

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 1:42 AM
Subject: From neighbor children's book author Tom Noll - Our Neighborhood Hearty "Thank You" to Healthcare Workers and First Responders at Bloomies White Bicycle Park

Our neighbor children's book author Tom Noll  with his partner Alberto Ucles- did a Bloomingdale Neighborhood Hearty Tribute and "Thank You" Honoring our Local Heroes: Essential Frontline Healthcare Workers, 

First Responders at our White Bicycle Fence Art Installation Park; at our busy corner of Rhode Island Avenue, 1st and T St NW; for their heroic dedication and hard work during this tragic and heartbreaking Coronavirus Pandemic that has been plaguing our world, country and city for the last few months. 

The double sided banners also include a thank you to: Scientists, Volunteers/Hospital Maintenance Staff, Grocery, Pharmacy and Mail Workers, Delivery and Truck Drivers and to the Media.
Thank you neighbors for staying home, safe and keeping the social distancing rules & using masks and gloves to keep others safe and healthy.
Keep the Faith at this time and through out the year, Stay Safe, Strong and Healthy! 
Hold your loved ones close and keep in touch with family and friends everywhere!
This too shall pass and we shall enjoy a new normal/life together again.
Please share in all your social media sources and with friends.
Thank you Everyone
Tom Noll and Alberto Ucles

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