
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ms. Merritt Micro-Schooling referral program: $100 paid for each parent/child you refer to our June 2020 Summer Camp

The message below included some images, which get corrupted during the copy-paste process, so they have been removed. 

From: Cullen
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2020 9:11 AM
Subject: Referral Program: $100 paid for each Parent/Child you refer to our June 2020 Summer Camp

Referral Program: $100 paid for each Parent/Child you refer to our June 2020 Summer Camp

A Children’s Pod in France learning “Pebble Meditation”

The Pebble Meditation by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is commonly taught to children as an introduction to meditation. By using four pebbles the children foraged together, this meditation teaches the four qualities of happiness: beauty/freshness (flower), stability/solidity (mountain), peace/tranquility (still water), freedom/liberation (space/emptiness).

Kids need connection. They are hard-wired for it. In this time of unprecedented change and uncertainty, children are adapting to circumstances that no one in their family has faced in living memory. Without connection, children feel lost and unable to express both their deepest held feelings and their innate gifts and talents. They cannot grow and learn from those around them in meaningful ways.

As essential policies are implemented to protect the physical health of the classroom community, many opportunities to foster and develop social-emotional learning are lost. Children need these interactions to support healthy growth and development. These fundamental skills cannot be measured by standardized tests.

In “How Will The Coronavirus Shutdown Affect Education Next School Year And Beyond?”, founder of Academic Business Advisors and EdChat Interactive, Mitch Weisburgh writes:

“Learning is social, we learn best from and with each other. This will take many forms. Schools will initiate some programs where older students will help younger students, others where students will work in groups, and others where students will share accomplishments and offer encouragement and feedback to other students.”

There’s no denying we are on the verge of a whole new way of human interaction. This is the time to come together to imagine new possibilities.  But how can we safely bring our children together and support their learning at a crucial time of development when it's so risky to do so in public and private places? 

Ms. Merritt Micro-Schooling is a new way of social interaction and education for the future which focuses on building social networks between cultures and communities.  Our learning method creates engaging experiences of unified aliveness and connection between participants of online groups.

The Ms. Merritt Micro-School was founded in the Summer of 2019 by teachers with years of experience teaching in the Washington, D.C. public school system, animating Children's Programs in Europe, and facilitating different ways of learning in Thailand.  Instead of designing and developing a better solution to online education, our teaching methods were discovered through our direct experience of what's possible in mental performance, well-being and the mastery of everyday living. 

You know how there's a land-rush to figure out the best 'one-sized' fits all solution to online learning?  That's not what this is.  Our curriculum is a framework of dynamic practices, processes, and methods which are fun, engaging, and life transformative.

We have a big vision to grow a small global school of schools.  We invite you to find out more about our June 2020 Summer School Micro-Schooling Pilot-Pod! 

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