
Friday, August 28, 2020

St. Martin's Catholic Church: "We will have a live mass as well live-stream > a special Sacraments of Initiation mass"

This coming Sunday August 30th at noon we will have a live mass at St. Martin’s Church as well as a live-stream of the mass.  The occasion is a special Sacraments of Initiation mass.  We will have one Baptism, six Confirmations, and two people becoming full members of the church.  We will also install the officers into the Ladies of Charity and Sodality organizations.  


The mass is open for all to attend in person at the Church however you will have to follow all the precautions of the Covid-19 in-person mass guidelines:


If you are sick please stay at home and do not attend.  If you are over 60 and those with serious health issues we strongly encourage you to please stay home.  To further encourage people to stay at home we will be offering a live-streaming of the mass at noon on Sunday August 30th.  Either click on this link (we ask you to please turn off your video to not distract from the mass):


Or if you would like to call in and listen dial:


At the prompts enter:

Meeting ID: 819 5263 4915#

Meeting password: 123456#


If you know of someone who would like to call in and listen but doesn’t receive these emails, could you please let them know the above directions.




Fr. Mike.           


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