
Friday, October 30, 2020

All Saints Day: St. George's Episcopal Church

From: Saint Georges DC <

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 5:00 PM
Subject: The Dragon

The Dragon e-News



The Dragon e-Newsletter Weekly


St. George's Episcopal Church


All Saints Day ~ November 1, 2020


160 U Street Washington DC 20001


This Parish of the Episcopal / Anglican Church was founded in 1930 as an Episcopal Church for African Americans. St. George's witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as expressed through the Anglican Tradition. We serve as a guiding light for our parishioners as well as the larger community.  We bid you welcome in the name of the Lord! 


Priest-in-Charge: The Rev Marilyn Jenkins

Associate Priest: The Rev Yolanda Rolle


All Saints Day


November 1 is All Saints' Day, one of the principal feasts of the Episcopal Church, when the church remembers the saints, known and unknown. It is also one of the four holy days denoted as especially appropriate for baptisms. (The others are the First Sunday after Epiphany, the Easter Vigil, and Pentecost.)


The origins of All Saints' Day aren’t completely clear. A feast for all martyrs was observed as early as the fourth century on May 13. And Pope Gregory III dedicated a chapel in Rome to all saints on November 1, while Pope Gregory IV officially declared its general observance in 837.


In medieval England this feast was known as All Hallows (hallow was an old English term for saint), and the day before was All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween.


There is an Episcopal service for All Hallows' Eve that includes prayers and readings such as "The Witch of Endor," which is a story from the Bible (1 Samuel 28: 3-25), not Tolkien. 


November 2 is the commemoration of All Faithful Departed, sometimes called All Souls' Day. It is a day when faithful Christians who have died are remembered.


Beginning in the tenth century, the church began to remember all departed Christians on November 2. Many remember their loved ones who have died on this day.


Together these three days are sometimes called Allhallowtide.


In the New Testament “saints” refers to the entire Christian community.


This coming Sunday we will celebrate All Saints and All Souls together remembering those in our lives who have died this past year. Please send names to The Rev Jenkins:


Transition Team

Thank you for joining us this past Sunday for the Transition Team's first monthly gathering of the parish. We had a fantastic turnout of 43 parishioners who engaged in questions about our heritage, discovering what makes St. George's, St. George's.


Stay tuned for our November all parish gathering!


Daylight Savings Ends

1 Nov 2020

Sunday Schedule

The Next Sunday Service in Church will be determined by Public Health Indicators and implemented in a phased approach

7:30 a.m.      

Holy Eucharist RITE I with Sermon -- The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


8:30 a.m.

Hospitality Hour


9:00 a.m.      

Parish Choir Rehearsal        


9:00 a.m. - Conf. Room     

Bible Study with The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


10:00 a.m.  

Choral Holy Eucharist RITE II with Sermon -- The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


11:00 a.m.

Hospitality Hour 


This Week


Nov 1 - 9:00 a.m. Bible Study


Nov 1 - 9:45 a.m.

Zoom Worship


Nov 1 - 4:00 p.m. National Service of Healing


Nov 3 - 8:00 pm Compline

Zoom ID: 861 0566 1204

Passcode:  277935


Join us in praying

Prayers for healing and wholeness have been asked here for the names of those who need our prayers.

Add a name here.





Election Day Prayer Vigil

As America votes in a contentious election, the National Cathedral will open its doors for a 14-hour vigil of prayer and reflection on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Throughout the day, clergy will lead continuous prayers, and we invite you to join us for a brief moment of peace and time in the presence of God.




Links to the state boards of elections:


District of Columbia






Season of Prayer for Election


The Office of Government Relations of The Episcopal Church has coordinated resources to help us through this particularly election cycle. From an organized daily prayer series to a prayer hotline, individual prayers for elections, and a toolkit for voting faithfully, plus a host of other offerings, these resources reflect our deep commitment as a people of faith to “respect the dignity of every human being,” as our Baptismal Covenant reminds us, and participate fully in the democratic process of our nation. We encourage you to make use of these resources during these three weeks leading up to November 3rd and hold our nation and the electoral process in your prayers.



In-Gathering Sunday

Sunday, November 8, 2020


A stewardship letter and pledge cards were sent to every household in early September kicking off our 2021 Annual Giving Campaign.


Please prayerfully consider what St. George's means to you in your faith journey, as a sacramental community, and as a community where you can share your joys and concerns of life holding each other in prayer. Please give from your heart - your gift to God in return for all of God's gifts.


Please join us on November 8th at our Zoom service where we will receive and bless the pledge cards.


Our 2021 Annual Giving Campaign is off to a great start.


Received as of October 25, 2020:

Pledges: 19

Dollar amount: $79,560.00


Please do your part in helping us reach our goal of 65 pledging units and $300,000.



This Sunday's Worship

St. George's ~ St. Luke's ~ Calvary


This Sunday, November 1, 2020 we will again worship via zoom joining St. Luke's and Calvary live. Please join us on Zoom if you can. Or you may join us on St. George's Facebook page as we will stream the Zoom worship live onto Facebook and on St. George's YouTube Channel.


Sunday Worship:


Date: November 1, 2020

Time: 9:45 a.m.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID number: 362-627-1076. If asked for password -- 001891


If you are calling in by cellphone, we ask you to use this number: 301-715-8592, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. 


If you must use landline to call in, use 1-877 -853-5247, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. Password is 001891 (this is toll-free, but it costs us)


St. George's Facebook Page Livestream Here


St. George's YouTube Channel Livestream Here



Outreach: Serving the Community



Kwanzaa Kitchen: Janis has been able to come up with a unique way in which we will continue to feed the hungry in this important ministry. It involves fewer than 6 people and we will pack the food to go and place it outside on tables for people to take their breakfast with them. We will continue this way until we are able to gather groups together again.





Saint George's Episcopal Church |


St.Georges DC | 160 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

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