
Monday, October 05, 2020

HPRB Action on McMillan healthcare facility on Parcel 1: "The Board approved the final revised concept plans for the healthcare buildings"

See the forwarded message below from the DC Historic Preservation Office. 

Note the HPRB action on the McMillan healthcare facility on Parcel 1. 


From: Office of Planning <>
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:31 PM
HPRB ACTIONS - September 24 and October 1, 2020 

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This document and others related to the September 24 and October 1, 2020 HPRB Meeting are posted on our website at: 

An archived Video of the meeting is posted on our site at:  





The Historic Preservation Review Board convened a public meeting on September 24 via WebEx. Present for the meeting were: Marnique Heath, Chair; Andrew Aurbach, Thomas Brokaw, Linda Greene, Outerbridge Horsey, Sandra Jowers-Barber, Gretchen Pfaehler. 



Kingman Park Historic District amendment (boundary expansion), Case 20-03.

The Board voted to expand the period of significance for the Kingman Park Historic District to extend to 1968 and to expand the boundaries to include the blocks to the southwest of the existing district, including Squares 4526, 4527, 4549, 4550, 4558 and 4559 but not to include Squares 4514 an 4515 along Benning Road.  Vote:  6-0; Jowers-Barber absent. 



1200 Alabama Avenue SE (Square 5868S, Lot 809), Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, HPA 20-316, revised concept/construction of six-story office building.

The Board approved the concept with the conditions that design development return with more detail on the storefront, more information on how vehicle and pedestrian traffic interact on the plaza, and material samples of a metal panel of a lighter red.  (Vote: 5-0. Aurbach recused; Jowers-Barber absent)



2201 18th Street, NW, HPA 20-477, new signage, including an electronic component, for Marie Reed School.

The Board did not take action or approve the prototype but provided comments for how the sign should be revised to have more “identity,” improved with regard to the proportions of text to surface area, revised to reduce visual clutter, coordinated with public space signage requirements and related topics.  The Board also requested to review examples of how the prototype might be revised to respond to various contexts, more information on how the prototype evolved, and additional design options inspired by other successful sign types.  Finally, the Board provided generally favorable comments regarding the prototype electronic signage component.                 



421 T Street NW, HPA 20-300, revised concept/three-story addition at rear.

The Board concurred with the concerns raised by the ANC did not take action or approve the revised concept and advised the applicant to reduce the height and size of the proposed addition.

1952 2nd Street NW, HPA 20-168, concept/addition and rear extension and garage

 [deferred at the request of the ANC]


1905-07 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, HPA 20-402, concept/new construction of five-story office and retail building.                       

The Board found the revised concept to be compatible with the character of the historic district, with additional refinement of the storefronts, the upper stories of the brick portion of the building, the Good Hope Road entrance garden and the “B” façade to be coordinated further with staff.  Final approval was delegated to staff.  Vote: 6-0  Heath recused). 



The Historic Preservation Review Board convened a public meeting on October 1 via WebEx. Present for the meeting were: Marnique Heath, Chair; Andrew Aurbach, Outerbridge Horsey, Sandra Jowers-Barber, Gretchen Pfaehler. Absent:  Thomas Brokaw, Linda Greene. 


Tregaron (Washington International School), 3100 Macomb Street NW, HPA 20-095, revised concept/construction of new science and academic building.

The Board did not make a motion but provided the following comments.  For the classroom building, the applicant was asked to look at reducing the proportion of glazing and/or providing louvers on the south and north sides, increasing the size of the planter on the south side, reducing the ceiling heights to lower the building an additional foot or more, and further simplifying the materials and constructing a material mock-up panel.  The Board found the visual impact of the guardhouse to be incompatible, asked that alternative locations for the dacha be studied, and for further information to be provided on the design of the barbeque structure.  The Board identified a less-than-a-quorum subcommittee (Heath, Jowers-Barber, Horsey) to meet with HPO and the applicants on site to evaluate and discuss alternatives for the guardhouse and dacha.


McMillan Park Reservoir, 2940 North Capitol Street NW, HPA 20-483, concept/construction of healthcare facility on parcel 1.

The Board approved the final revised concept plans for the healthcare buildings as compatible with the McMillan Reservoir master plan and consistent with the previous concept plans approved by the Board and the Mayor’s Agent and delegated final construction plan to staff.   Vote: 5-0.



28 9th Street SE, HPA 20-417, concept/rooftop addition. 

The Board found the concept plans to be compatible with the Capitol Hill historic district. Vote: 5-0.



1318 9th Street NW, HPA 20-309, revised concept/addition of 3rd and 4th stories to existing building.

The Board found the revised concept for the new third-floor and fourth-floor additions and alterations to the alley building to be compatible with the character of the historic district and delegated final approval to staff.  Vote:  4-0.


1320-1322 8th Street NW, HPA 20-471, concept/multi-story additions to three existing rowhouses.

 [deferred at the request of the Applicant] 



2051 Park Road, NW, HPA 20-419, permit/roll-up garage gate.  

[deferred at the request of the ANC]



1808 S Street NW, HPA 20-463, permit/ add penthouse to three-story dwelling. 

The Board approved the basement entry under the existing stoop with a simplification of railings to the basement and found the roof addition as designed incompatible with the character of the historic district and inconsistent with the purposes of the Act.  The Board did not concur with the position of the ANC, as it found that the proposed addition would be more than minimally visible and would compete with the property’s distinctive turret.  Vote: 5-0.



1353 Maple View Place SE, HPA 20-462, concept, construction of one-story accessory dwelling unit.

The Board found the concept proposal incomplete and requested the applicant return to the Board with a revised plan for new construction and include the front yard driveway as part of the application. Vote: 5-0.




The Consent Calendar was approved on September 24 by a vote of 7-0. 


Samuel F.B. Morse School, 440 R Street NW, Case 20-07. 


Samuel F.B. Morse School, 440 R Street NW, HPA 20-482, concept/rehabilitation. 

Decatur Street Car Barn, 4615 14th Street NW, HPA 20-469, permit/ demolition of historic fabric at east and some west portions of car barn.  (Vote 6-0, Pfaehler recused) 


1528 W Street SE, HPA 20-392, concept/rooftop solar installation. 

1328 V Street SE, HPA 20-418, permit, new construction of two-story garage. 


610 A Street SE, HPA 20-464, concept/ three-story addition at rear; alterations to garage. 

712 E Street SE, HPA 20-476, concept/ add third story to existing two-story building. 

312 3rd Street NE, HPA 20-337, permit/two-story rear addition. 


3512 Lowell Street NW, HPA 20-466, permit/ renovate garage. 

3514 Lowell Street NW, HPA 20-467, permit/ new construction of two-story single-family dwelling.

3063 Ordway Street NW, HPA 20-470, permit/ two-story addition at rear; new portico at front; new porch and patio at rear. 


4410 Greenwich Parkway NW, HPA 20-484, concept/ two-story rear addition. 


801-1199 Sycamore Lane SE, HPA 20-346, design development/construction of townhouses. 


Transcripts of Historic Preservation Review Board Meetings may be purchased from the court reporting agency that covered this hearing – Neal R. Gross & Co., Inc., (202) 234-4433,   or . Individual staff reports that are prepared in advance of the hearing are posted on our website at  .





Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager

DC Office of Planning

1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024




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1 comment:

  1. its not a commodity that you order by the linear foot. Which is how Matt Bell offered "green space at the North end", "or the south end or a diagonal down the middle",,,mediocrity, like real talented site planning.. It is a "Great Place" from Senator McMillan s Washington Senate Parks Commission, and had real genius, that a real Capitol City plans its culture and preserves its history. The mercenary paradigm of these mediocre development conglomerates and their bought politicians has filtered down to the population and they bought it,"what is good for the corporation is good for the average person", but that is not true!! Too bad the objectivity never was permitted and all alternatives were ignored and actively suppressed. NO forums , no panel discussions, no town halls, no referendum, just pure incumbent hacks dictating and brow beating the decision., a corrupt ANC, and each city agency who's job is to protect the common good, failing us to please their powerful superiors. see Judge Glickman tell us in the Appeals Court, these subordinate agencies are fearful for their jobs.
    Appeals Court Judge Glickman questions McMillan Mayor's Agent. Transcription of DC Court of Appeals oral arguments October 17 2018, Mayor's Agent appeal McMillan development on Office of Planning, Mayor's Agent Peter Byrne
    “under the thumb of one of the petitioners” (The Deputy Mayor for Economic Development, so THE MAYOR is in court and the adjudicators are her employees,, but its not fixed!!!)

    "Now he knows which side of his bread is buttered on doesn’t he"
    " You know he can write an opinion that really does what they want, and I’ll get more of these jobs, which are really lucrative, or I can write an opinion that goes the other way, and that will be the last job I get”

    Judge Glickman knows when the Mayor is business partner with the development conglomerate the subordinate agencies are openly compromised and their evaluation and their “greenlighting” suspect. Patterson the DC Auditor exposed the unethical business practice of the “insider deals”, "no bid contracts" , “exclusive rights agreement”, and DC Council literally exempted this crooked partner from their own contracting law/reform retroactively and proactively. VMP never has to follow the law. Bowser/Gray/ Mendelson just wrote the law as they went along for VMP. Marion Barrie’s council vote was listed “approved” for the surplus, the land theft, one month after he died, but its not fixed!
    With so many creative/innovative ways to incorporate services, food delivery, stores, and other adaptive re-use the whole deal has been only tailored for VMP profit, and billions of it.They will be the worst neighbors, they already have perjured, lied, and astroturfed, so kiddies you follow some real dirty folks.
    McMillan Park Plan by Prof. Miriam Gusevich at CUA
    There is only massing of buildings on Prof. Gusevich CUA grad students plan because she wanted to show how this much development can be done in "world class" site design...imagine the buildings incorporated into the park and landscape, using the cisterns,, just like in a real world class city , not mediocrity.
